This application serves as a metrics exporter for Twilio, a cloud communications platform. It retrieves various metrics such as account balance, usage records, calls, and messages from Twilio's API and exposes them in a format suitable for monitoring using Prometheus.
This application uses environment variables for configuration. You can create a .env file in the project root directory to specify these variables. An example .env file may look like this:
Make sure to replace your_twilio_account_sid and your_twilio_auth_token with your actual Twilio account credentials.
To run the application, execute the built binary:
This will start the exporter server, which listens for HTTP requests on port 8080 by default.
You can access the metrics endpoint at http://localhost:8080/metrics
To scrape metrics from this exporter, add the following job configuration to your Prometheus prometheus.yml file:
- job_name: 'twilio_metrics'
- targets: ['localhost:8080']
Make sure Prometheus can reach the exporter at the specified target address.
The following metrics are exported:
- twilio_account_balance: Current balance of the Twilio account.
- twilio_usage: The amount used to bill usage, measured in usage units.
- twilio_calls: Number of calls made or received.
- twilio_messages: Number of messages sent or received.