Cards for flashcard services like or; this repo contains Czech language cards.
The idea is to find isomorphic subset in Czech and Russian respectively. The main sources of isomorphism are:
- verb tenses
- (pro)noun declination
- ...
However, there are some cases of broken isomorphisms:
- Homonyms. For example, vidí represents two forms. To cope with it, it is possible to expoit flashcard application feature to give extra information in parenthesis:
vidí (jed. č.) — видит
vidí (mn. č.) — видят
In both cases the correct answer would be "vidí", no need to type parenthetic stuff.
- Synonyms. For example, mohu, můžu are two versions of the same form. FIXME: it is unclear what to do in such case, maybe do not include them into "isomorphic" sets.
- Non-existing forms. Such forms should be dropped.