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Shyim edited this page May 4, 2022 · 2 revisions

The commands in SWDC are separated by modules. The modules define the context of the given project.

Most commands are used in the following way swdc command project, swdc tries to detect the given project type and scopes to the corresponding modules.

Like when the target project is Shopware 5 Git installation, to include base + classic or on Shopware 6, base + platform.

Module: base

Command Description
swdc command-list
swdc completion
swdc configure Opens the configuration .env file with your favourite editor
swdc console Executes the symfony console for the given project
swdc create-project Creates a new Shopware 6 Installation
swdc debug-logs Please use this command to collect informations for a Github Issue
swdc down Stops the containers
swdc drop Drops the database
swdc es-clear Deletes everything from elasticsearch server
swdc generate-command-list Generates the command list for
swdc help Lists all commands
swdc log Shows the log of the specified container
swdc mysql-exec-watch Executes a every second MySQL command and shows the result
swdc mysql-watch Watches the mysql process list
swdc mysql Starts the mysql client on the cli container
swdc open Opens the given shop in browser
swdc pshell Opens a shell in the specific project
swdc redis-clear Clears all redis databases
swdc redis-cli Opens the Redis-CLI
swdc rsnap Loads back a created snapshot
swdc shell-root Joins into the cli container as root user
swdc shell Joins into the cli container as normal user
swdc snap Creates a new snapshot
swdc tool-cache-clear Clears the tool cache
swdc up Starts the containers
swdc update-images Updates used docker images
swdc varnish-clear Bans all varnish cache

Module: classic

Command Description
swdc apply <project-name> Applies a database fixture
swdc build <project-name> Reinstalls the database
swdc config <project-name> Applies fixture to the config.php
swdc download-testimages <project-name> Download and extract shopware testimages
swdc hooks <project-name> Fixes the hooks for git
swdc mink <project-name> Starts the Browser tests
swdc snippets <project-name> Reimports all snippets
swdc test <project-name> Runs all tests
swdc unit <project-name> Runs only unit tests
swdc update-test <project-name> Simulate a update

Module: platform

Command Description
swdc admin-build <project-name> Builds the administration and executes assets install
swdc admin-init <project-name> Installs required npm modules
swdc admin-jest <project-name> Runs the Jest tests
swdc admin-watch <project-name> Start the admin watcher at
swdc build-with-old-demo-data <project-name> Builds Shopware 6 with Shopware 5 Demo-Data. Requires min
swdc build <project-name> Reinstalls the database
swdc check <project-name> Checks code for ci issues
swdc config-add <project-name> Adds a config to config/packages
swdc config-remove <project-name> Removes a config from config/packages
swdc config-set <project-name> Sets a config for config/packages
swdc queue-clear <project-name> Clears the enqueue queue in Shopware 6
swdc run <project-name> Runs specified command in CLI. f.e. swdc run myfolder npm install --prefix custom/plugins/MyPlugin/src/Resources
swdc storefront-build <project-name> Builds the storefront
swdc storefront-init <project-name> Installs required npm modules
swdc storefront-watch <project-name> Recompile the storefront when changes in its resources are detected
swdc test <project-name> Runs all unit tests
swdc update <project-name> Updates Shopware 6
swdc worker-logs <project-name> Tail the logs of the workers
swdc worker <project-name> Run the worker
swdc admin-watch <project-name> Start the admin watcher at
swdc e2e <project-name> Starts the Cypress instance. Use "Storefront" as parameter when you want open that package
swdc feature <project-name> Creates a file to enable Feature flags
swdc init-test-db <project-name> Initializes the test database
swdc locust <project-name> Starts the locust service
swdc npm-remove <project-name> Deletes all node_modules folders
swdc storefront-hot <project-name> Starts the Storefront Watcher
swdc storefront-watch <project-name> Start the storefront watcher at
swdc test <project-name> Run the test suite
swdc update <project-name> Updates Shopware 6

Module: platform-b2b

Command Description
swdc b2b-add-migration <project-name>
swdc b2b-init <project-name>
swdc b2b-storefront-build <project-name>