N.B. Blanché valiant was extracted to its' own theme.
(pronounced as "noll-otta") means 08
in Swedish. This is rather ironic nickname for people from Stockholm, based on telephone code of the region. "Nollåttas" are very fancy and practical in the same time, also they combine these traits in somewhat ridiculous manner. Like this color theme 🤡
is a hybrid theme combined from many excellent ones by taking the best parts from each one of them. The main distinction is light syntax highlighting and workbench styles with dark terminal colors.
- Reading dark text on a light background may help you read and write code more efficiently, thus nice light syntax was choosen for syntax highlighting;
- Console applications in their majority designed with dark background in mind and switching to light one often creates quite unreadable color combinations, so it makes sence to keep the terminal dark;
- Colors should not be too contrast, but not to pale;
- Consistency and logic in chosing coloring of tokens;
- Key elements should draw just right amount of attention (not more);
- Even when switched to grayscale code should remain perfectly readable;
- Overall impression should be as yet familiar, but noticabely improved overall;
- Workbench colors are directly taken from Light Delight;
- Terminal colors are directly taken from Nord Deep;
- Keywords in monochrome and bold came from GitHub Light Monochrome;
- Majority of syntax highlighting colors are from Android Code Search;
Sneak peek of syntax (Golang):
Font used: Iosevka Term SS08 Medium / Extra Bold combination.
Check for more language syntax previews on VS Code Themes website.