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Proview is probably the first Open Source system for process control and automation in the world. The largest Proview installation is in SSAB Oxelösund where the entire production line from raw materials to rolled plate are controlled and supervised by over 400 Proview systems.

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#How to build ProviewR

Authors: Robert Karlsson & Christoffer Ackelman

1. Preparations

Install the following packages


apt-get install doxygen gcc g++ make libasound2-dev libdb5.3-dev libdb5.3++-dev


apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk libmysql++-dev libsqlite3-dev libhdf5-openmpi-dev libusb-1.0.0-dev

openjdk-6-jdk adds support for the java web interface. libmysql++-dev, libsqlite3-dev and libgdf5-openmpi-dev add support for mysql, sqlite and hdf5 history databases respectively. libusb-1.0.0-dev adds support for USB I/O cards (Velleman)

Mandatory if you want to build the QT version of ProviewR:

apt-get install libqt4-dev libphonon-dev phonon-backend-vlc

Mandatory if you want to build the GTK version of ProviewR:

apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev

Optional if you build the GTK version of ProviewR:

apt-get install librsvg2-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev

librsvg2-dev adds support for SVG images in Ge in the GTK version of ProviewR. libgstreamer1.0-dev and libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev adds support for network video cameras in the GTK version of ProviewR.

OBS! If you do not have a valid display when building ProviewR, or build ProviewR on a server, see section "Building without a display" below

2. Easy way

Unpack the source package

tar -xzvf pwrsrc_5.6.1.tar.gz

Enter the sourcecode root directory

cd pwr_5.6.1

Execute the build script


When the compilation is finished, follow the instructions to insert the three lines in your .bashrc file.

3. Thorough way

This is a more thorough way to install the development environment, which is recommended if you will make a lots of changes in the source code and handle different version of ProviewR.

3.1 Setting up the environment

The first thing to do is to set up your environment properly. Add the following lines to .bashrc:

export pwre_bin="/home/robert/x5-6-1/src/tools/pwre/src/os_linux" export pwre_dir_symbols="$pwre_bin/" source $pwre_bin/pwre_function export pwre_env_db="/home/robert/pwre_new"

Replace /home/robert/x5-6-1 with the directory where you unpacked the sources.

3.2 Creating the environment

Creating and handling your environment is done with the pwre-function (added by sourcing $pwre_bin/pwre_function). If you want to compile a 32-bit version of ProviewR on a 64-bit machine, see section "Cross-compiling" below.


shows all possibilites of the pwre build script.

Add an environment named 'x561x86_64' (choose any name you like).

pwre add x561x86_64

Source root [...] ? /home/robert/x5-6-1/src (where /home/robert/x5-6-1 is replaced with the directory where you unpacked the sources) Import root [] ? Build root [...] ? /home/robert/x5-6-1/rls_dbg Build type [dbg] ? OS [linux] ? (linux or macos) Hardware [x86] ? (x86 or x86_64) Description ? Robert's environment (Optional description)

List all existing environments:

pwre list

-- Defined environments: x561x86_64 --

Initiate your new environment:

pwre init x561x86_64

Now, create the build tree

pwre create_all_modules

Now the environment is set up and we can start the build procedure.

3.3 Building ProviewR

ProviewR is divided into several modules which can be built separately. These modules are: The ProviewR kernel module rt, the ProviewR workbench wb, and the ProviewR runtime interface xtt. As well as a number of optional, vendor-specific libraries: abb, bcomp, inor, java, klocknermoeller, misc, nmps, opc, otherio, othermanu, profibus, remote, sev, siemens, simul, ssabox, telemecanique, tlog.

To build all modules from scratch and merge them:

pwre build_all_modules

Otherwise, you can also build one module at a time. To "move" between the different modules

pwre module wb (for example)

To build everything in the current module

pwre build_all

To build parts of current module (for example lib/rt/src in kernel module)

pwre build lib rt src

Each of the modules have their own build tree. When you are finished with a specific module it must be merged into the common build tree. This is done via:

pwre merge

4. Start using ProviewR

When ProviewR has been built, there are a few final steps you have to do before you start using it.

Create directory that will keep track of your projects and volumes aswell as the different ProviewR-versions you have installed.

mkdir /usr/pwrp/adm/db

Copy the default configuration files to this directory (if they do not already exist)

cp $pwre_croot/src/tools/pkg/deb/adm/pwr_* /usr/pwrp/adm/db/.

Create a file name pwr_projectlist.dat in this directory and add the following line to this file:

%base X5.6.1 /home/robert/X5-6-1/rls_dbg

where /home/robert/X5-6-1/rls_dbg is replaced by your build-root (see section 3.2).

Add the following two lines to your .bashrc-file:

export pwra_db="/usr/pwrp/adm/db" source $pwra_db/

Voila, finished !

Powerlink (optional)

Install the following packages:

apt-get install libpcap-dev cmake cmake-qt-gui

unpack openPOWERLINK_V2.7.1.tar.gz

tar xvzf openPOWERLINK_V2.7.1.tar.gz

Go to the /stack/build/linux folder

cd openPOWERLINK_V2.7.1.tar.gz/stack/build/linux

Use cmake to generate makefiles

cmake -DMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..

Compile and install

make make install

Note on building the QT version

If you get the error "No such file "thread/file_qt.h", then the -pthread flag was passed to the moc compiler. Remove the -pthread flag from $cinc in src/tools/bld/src/os_linux/hw_xx/"

Building without a display

Install the xserver-xorg-video-dummy package:

apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy

Start the dummy display with:

Xorg -noreset +extension GLX +extension RANDR +extension RENDER -config src/tools/dummy_display/xorg.conf :99 &

Set the DISPLAY environment variable accordingly:

export DISPLAY=:99

Build ProviewR as normal, either by executing the makefile:


or by configuring the build yourself, see section "3. Thorough way" above.


To compile a 32-bit version of ProviewR on a 64-bit system, you need to install multiarch support and add a 32-bit architecture:

apt-get install multiarch dpkg --add-architecture i386 apt-get update

Then you need to install the libraries required to build 32-bit executables:

apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6:i386 libc6-dev:i386 libc6-i386 libc6-dev-i386

You also need 32-bit versions of all the libraries required by ProviewR. The easiest way to get these is to copy the /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu folder and the /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ folder from a 32-bit machine to your 64-bit machine. If you try to install all libraries using "apt-get install x:i386" you will most likely run into problems with some 32-bit packages replacing your 64-bit packages and vice versa.

After that, you should be able to compile 32-bit versions by specifying "x86" as hardware during "pwre add", see section "3.2 Creating the environment" above.

pwre add proview32bit ... Hardware [x86] ? x86


Proview is probably the first Open Source system for process control and automation in the world. The largest Proview installation is in SSAB Oxelösund where the entire production line from raw materials to rolled plate are controlled and supervised by over 400 Proview systems.






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