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Themes CSS‐Variables

maximilianweidenauer edited this page Oct 19, 2023 · 3 revisions

CSS-variables are set by putting the variable into :root e.g.

:root {
    --button-padding: 1rem 1.5rem;

Font Variables

Variable Description
font-size The font-size of the application

Login Variables

Variable Description
login-form-top-bottom-padding The top and bottom paddings/gaps of the login form
login-form-left-right-padding The left and right paddings/gaps of the login form
login-form-field-margin The margins between fields of the login mask

Standard-Menu Variables

Variable Description
std-header-height The header/topbar height of the standard-menu
std-screen-title-size The font-size of the screen title
std-screen-title-margin The left margin to the collapse button
std-menu-width The menu (panelmenu) width of the standard-menu
std-menu-collpased-width The menu (panelmenu) width of the standard-menu when collapsed
std-logo-width The logo width of the standard-menu
std-logo-collapsed-width The logo width of the standard-menu when collapsed
std-logo-height The logo height of the standard-menu
std-profile-height The profile-menu's height
std-profile-width-small The profile-menu's width when the window is small (<= 960px width)
std-profile-padding The profile-menu's menubar padding to increase it's size
std-profile-pic The size of the profile-menu's picture size
std-profile-submenu-width-small The profile-menu's submenu list width, when the window is small (<= 960px width)
std-topbar-button-size The size of the topbar buttons
std-topbar-button-size-small The size of the topbar buttons, when the window is small (<= 960px width)
std-fadeout-width The width of the fadeout div (a div which makes menu-item texts seem like fading out when the menu is collapsed)
std-fadeout-left The left value of the absolute positioned fadeout-div
std-menu-header-padding The padding of a standard-menu's header item (defines the gap between header items)
std-menu-item-padding The padding of a standard-menu's menu-item (defines the gap between header items)
menuicon-size The size of the menuicon (also for corporation menu)

Corporation-Menu Variables

Variable Description
corp-header-height The header/topbar height of the corporation-menu
corp-screen-title-size The font-size of the screen title
corp-logo-width The logo width of the corporation-menu
corp-profile-height The profile-menu's height of the corporation-menu
corp-profile-width-small The profile-menu's width when the window is small (<= 960px width)
corp-profile-padding The profile-menu's menubar padding to increase it's size
corp-profile-pic The size of the profile-menu's picture size
corp-profile-submenu-width-small The profile-menu's submenu list width, when the window is small (<= 960px width)
corp-topbar-button-size The size of the topbar buttons
corp-topbar-button-size-small The size of the topbar buttons, when the window is small (<= 960px width)
corp-menubar-height The height of the menubar of the corporation-menu
corp-speeddial-size The size of the speeddial-button (quick navigation to screens)
corp-menu-header-padding The padding of a standard-menu's header item (defines the gap between header items)
corp-menu-item-padding The padding of a standard-menu's menu-item (defines the gap between header items)

Input Variables

Variable Description
input-padding-tb The top and bottom padding of input-fields.
input-padding-lr The left and right padding of input fields.
input-button-padding The padding of buttons next to input-fields (LinkedCellEditor, DateCellEditor)
input-button-icon-size The size of an icon in input-field-buttons (LinkedCellEditor, DateCellEditor)

Button Variables

Variable Description
button-padding The padding for regular buttons
button-icon-only-padding Paddings for buttons, which don't have any text and only an icon
menubtn-leftbtn-padding The paddings of a Popupmenubuttons left side
menubtn-rightbtn-padding The paddings of a Popupmenubuttons right side
checkbox-size The size of the Checkbox component
radiobutton-size The size of the Radiobutton component

Tabset Variables

Variable Description
tab-padding The padding of Tabs in the Tabset-Navbar

Table Variables

Variable Description
table-header-padding The padding of table-header-columns
table-cell-padding-top-bottom The top and bottom padding of table-cells
table-cell-padding-left-right The left and right padding of table-cells
table-data-height The height of table data (not the height of row, height of row will be data-height + ~8px)

Label Variables

Variable Description
label-padding The top and bottom padding for labels

Dialog Variables

Variable Description
dialog-header-padding The padding of a dialogs header
error-dialog-textarea-height The height of the error-dialog textarea
error-dialog-icon-size The font-size of the error-dialog icon

Crash Variables

Variable Description
crash-message-size The size of the crash message
crash-stack-height The height of the crash message stack

Topbar (Progressbar) Variables

Variable Description
topbar-position The position of the topbar (progressbar) valid values are "top" and "bottom"
topbar-medium-interval The interval when a response roundtrip is considered medium. Not entering a valid number in ms will remove the interval completely (no color change)
topbar-long-interval The interval when a response roundtrip is considered long. Not entering a valid number in ms will remove the interval completely (no color change)