Releases: sidewinder94/LolAnimationChanger
Releases · sidewinder94/LolAnimationChanger
Fixed minor bugs
Fixed a bug where you couldn't delete a theme you just downloaded
Fixed rare crash
Fixed a rare crash when force extracting an archive (now you'll get an error message, try a second time, it will most likely work)
Bug Fixing
Changed Behaviour :
- The configuration file is now stored in ApplcationData instead of the Application's directory. Helps retain the settings between updates
Fixed Bug :
- The Download Button is now enabled again after a failed download
New Features
New Features :
- Relaunch as administrator for those who installed League of Legends in "Program Files"
- Theme Packager, a small window to help pack new Themes
Enhancements :
- The items of the contextual menu now have icons :) (Credits to microsoft, extracted from rundll32 & zipfldr)
Fixed Bugs :
- Bug when trying to apply an unkown theme
Bug Fixes
Fixed Bugs :
- When Force extracting a theme, if a directory with the same name was already present, an error popped up, now backing up the folder to extract the theme. If there is an error, the backup is restored, if all went well, the backup is deleted.
Bug fixes
Corrected :
- When the checkbox "Force Extraction for themes already present" was checked, even the non downloaded themes were displayed leading to a crash if the user tried to apply the theme with the checkbox checked.
First Release
Allows Downloading and changing Theme for the league of legends launcher.