Data export CLI for Elasticsearch
go build -v
Read the manual:
./kishell configure -h
Usage: kishell configure
Init ES server configs
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--debug Enable debug mode.
--server Add a new server definition
--role Add a new role definition
--reset Reset the whole configuration
Add a server to the configuration:
./kishell configure --server
Example given:
Server name: local
Protocol: http
Hostname: localhost
Port: 5601
Kibana Version: 6.8.6
Set as default? [Y/n]:
Define the role to be used:
./kishell configure --role
Example given:
Role name: local
Index name: logstash-*
Window filter time (e.g. @timestamp, modified_date): @timestamp
Set as default? [Y/n]:
Send queries to Elasticsearch using the query string syntax:
./kishell search <QUERY>
Example given:
./kishell search --newer="8760h" --query="clientip:"