PyDora is a toolkit to retrieve samples and metadata from the MPI-EVA Pandora internal database. PyDora is the Python cousin of Sidora.
You can use PyDora both as a command line tool, or directly from Python.
Install using pip (most people)
- If you don't have set up your GitHub ssh keys
$ pip install git+
- If you have set up your GitHub ssh keys
$ pip install git+ssh://
Install in dev environment
$ git clone
$ cd pydora
$ conda create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate pydora_dev
$ pip install -e .
$ pydora -c credentials.json -t assets/example_tags.txt
Successfully Connected to Pandora Database
Making request to Pandora SQL server
Downloaded table
Samples and metadata have been written to /Users/maxime/Documents/github/pydora/pandora_samples.csv
The documentation of PyDora is available here: