An extension for vscode that provides TextMate scope information.
To view the TextMate scope information of your code, run scope-info: enable hover information
; to disable, run scope-info: disable hover information
This extension provides an API by which your extension can query scope & token information. Refer to scope-info.d.ts and extension.test.ts for more details. Example usage:
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as scopeInfo from 'scope-info';
async function example(doc : vscode.TextDocument, pos: vscode.Position) : void {
const siExt = vscode.extensions.getExtension<scopeInfo.ScopeInfoAPI>('siegebell.scope-info');
const si = await siExt.activate();
const token : scopeInfo.Token = si.getScopeAt(doc, pos);