This library enables optimization schemes created in Lua to be
used together with SIESTA via the flook library, hence
the same flo + SIESTA = flos
This enables scripting level languages to inter-act and develop new MD schemes, such as new geometry constraints, geometry relaxations, etc.
The API documentation may be found here.
The only requirement is the Lua language.
The require Lua version is 5.3. However, if you are stuck with Lua 5.2 you can apply this patch:
patch -p1 < lua_52.patch
This Lua library may be used out of the box. To enable the use of this library
you only require the LUA_PATH
to contain the path to the library.
Importantly this library requires an explicit <path>/?/init.lua
As an example the following bash commands enables the library:
cd $HOME
git clone
cd flos
git submodule init
git submodule update
export LUA_PATH="$HOME/flos/?.lua;$HOME/flos/?/init.lua;$LUA_PATH;;"
and that is it. Now you can use the flos
To enable this library you should add this to your Lua script:
local flos = require "flos"
which enables you to interact with all implemented flos
implemented algorithms.
In principle flos
is not relying on the SIESTA routines and may
be used as a regular Lua library, although it has been developed
with SIESTA in mind.
In the examples/
folder there are several examples which may be directly used in any
SIESTA run for relaxation (they are generalized for any structure).
In order to use any of these schemes you simply need to follow these steps:
, see this page:flook
Compile SIESTA with
support. If you have followed the procedure outlined here you should add this to the SIESTAarch.make
Then you have, for good (contrary to the
routine in SIESTA), enabled the Lua hook and you may exchange Lua scripts with other users and use scripts as you please.
To enable Lua in SIESTA simply set these fdf-flags:MD.TypeOfRun lua LUA.Script <script-name>
For instance to use the flos
L-BFGS relaxation method:
cp flos/examples/relax_geometry_lbfgs.lua <path-to-siesta-run>/relax.lua
and set the following fdf-flag:
MD.TypeOfRun LUA
LUA.Script relax.lua
Now run SIESTA.