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Access to AUR

sigboe edited this page Nov 17, 2017 · 5 revisions

AUR is the Arch User Repository, for more information see the Arch Wiki

In AUR you can install packages by building or packaging the the files semi manually. To get easy access to AUR packages you can use an AUR helper like pacaur. But to get pacaur you need to get it from AUR. These are the steps to the packages for pacaur and its dependency cower, other dependancies are fetched automatically. You need to install the package base-devel from pacman -S base-devel first if you didn't do that during the installation. You cannot run the following commands as root, run them as your own user. You cannot run these commands in a chroot like during the installation, so if you booted from the Arch ISO and are running commands via arch-chroot you should reboot first.

git clone
cd cower
makepkg -si
git clone
cd pacaur
makepkg -si
rm -rf {cower,pacaur}

Or install a Desktop enviornment like Gnome or KDE.

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