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Sigurd Bøe edited this page Oct 31, 2017 · 3 revisions

Installing using SSH


If you want to sit at another computer, and copy paste commands from the guide you can set up ssh on the live system.


First connect to the network, be it WiFi or Ethernet via USB.

Then set a password for the root user.


And start the ssh server

systemctl start sshd

The last thing you need to do is learn your IP address. If you prefer you may log into your router and check there. Or on the GPD Pocket run

ip addr show

The WiFi network adapter is called wlp1s0, and the ethernet adapter will probably be called eht0. On one of the following lines per device you will see a line starting with inet the IP address should be right after that word, and before a /

Linux or Mac

Open a terminal and run

ssh root@IPADDR

and type the password you set, you can now run commands on the GPD and can even copy paste commands.


If you get an error related to .ssh/known_hosts then a different device or a different time you rebooted the archiso live usb already had that IP address and you connected to it then. You can edit the file since its a text file and remove the line pertaining to that IP address. Or if you would rather delete the whole file thats okay too, but then you may lose the other known host keys you have there.


You have several options for SSH clients. Example OpenSSH from GnuWin32 or Putty, or Kitty or MobaXTerm. For the sake of simplicity we will just explain Putty.

Putty can be fetched from Download and install it if you dont already have it.

Launch Putty from the start menu

In the field called Host Name you can type the IP of the GPD Pocket, then click Open.

Yes to accept the key.

log in using the username root and the password you already set. You can now run commands on the GPD and can even copy paste commands.

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