This small javascript tool will take addresses, geocode them with Google API, and query Sigfox API in order to test the Sigfox network available over there.
git clone
npm install
Use a file to store your configuration credentials. Never git commit
this .env
Structure of the file and necessary variables:
Usage 1 : node network-test.js "address 1" "address 2" ...
Returns "ID";"address";"Lat";"Lng";"[Noise margin of the 3 best Sigfox BS]"
Example :
> node network-test.js '3 rue de Londres 75009 Paris'
1;3 rue de Londres 75009 Paris France;48.8765789;2.3306177; [ 49, 43, 40 ]
Usage 2 : node network-test.js -f filename.csv'
CSV file should have a header line with ID, address, lat, lng (example provided)
The file can provide for each line EITHER address or lat,lng.
If both are provided only lat,lng will be used
Returns "ID";"address";"Lat";"Lng";"[Noise margin of the 3 best Sigfox BS]"
Example :
> node network-test.js -f example.csv
2;;48.8584442;2.2933859; [ 58, 52, 51 ]
1;9 rue de londres 75009 Paris ;48.87675520000001;2.3299307; [ 49, 43, 40 ]
The Sigfox availability is returned as an array of 3 integers giving the noise margin in db for the three best basestations of the network. If any value of the array is 0, it means that there is less than 3 BS available here.