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Preview v3.0.1-rc.2

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@SIGHUP-C-3PO SIGHUP-C-3PO released this 20 Nov 16:37
· 2 commits to main since this release

Kubernetes Fury Ingress Core Module Release 3.0.1

Welcome to the latest release of Ingress module of Kubernetes Fury Distribution maintained by team SIGHUP.

This is a maintenance release including:

  • A fix to the NGINX Grafana dashboard to make it compatible with the latest version of the monitoring module.
  • A fix to the NGINX Prometheus Rule to correctly target the new Service.
  • Improves the securityContext for Forecastle, making it compliant with the restricted Pod Security Standard.

Component versions 🚢

Component Supported Version Previous Version
cert-manager v1.16.1 No update
external-dns v0.15.0 No update
forecastle v1.0.145 No update
nginx v1.11.3 No update
aws-cert-manager N.A. No update
aws-external-dns N.A. No update

Please refer the individual release notes to get a more detailed information on each release.

Upgrade Guide 🦮


The previous release (v3.0.0) contains breaking changes that can break your installation.

Please read carefully the release notes for v3.0.0 before upgrading to this version if you are upgrading from versions < v3.0.0.


This update guide is for users of the module and not of the Distribution or users still on furyctl legacy.
If you are a KFD user, the update is performed automatically by furyctl.


To upgrade this core module from v3.0.0 to v3.0.1, you need to download this new version and apply the instructions below.

kustomize build <your-project-path> | kubectl apply -f - --server-side

For the Terraform modules, run terraform init -upgrade, then apply the new version.