This package is a wrapper for Signaturit Api. If you didn't read the documentation yet, maybe it's time to take a look here.
You can install the package through gem.
gem install signaturit-sdk
Just import the Signaturit Client this way
require 'signaturit_client'
Then you can authenticate yourself using your AuthToken
client ='TOKEN')
Remember, the default calls are made to our Sandbox server. If you want to do in production, just set the flag when you do the call.
client ='TOKEN', true)
Retrieve all data from your signature requests using different filters.
response = client.get_signatures
response = client.get_signatures 50
response = client.get_signatures 50, 50
response = client.get_signatures 100, 0, {:status => 'completed'}
response = client.get_signatures 100, 0, 3, {:since => '2014-7-20'}
response = client.get_signatures 100, 0, {:crm_id => 2445}
Count your signature requests.
response = client.count_signatures
Get a single signature request.
response = client.get_signature 'SIGNATURE_ID'
Create a new signature request. You can check all signature params.
recipients = ['']
params = {:subject: 'Receipt number 250', :body: 'Please, can you sign this document?'}
file_path = '/documents/contracts/125932_important.pdf'
response = client.create_signature file_path, recipients, params
You can send templates with the fields filled
recipients = ['']
params = {:subject => 'Receipt number 250', :body => 'Please, can you sign this document?', :templates => {'TEMPLATE_ID'}, :data => {:WIDGET_ID => 'DEFAULT_VALUE'}}
response = client.create_signature {}, recipients, params
You can add custom info in your requests
recipients = ['']
params = {:subject => 'Receipt number 250', :body => 'Please, can you sign this document?', :data => {:crm_id => 2445}}
file_path = '/documents/contracts/125932_important.pdf'
response = client.create_signature file_path, recipients, params
Cancel a signature request.
response = client.cancel_signature 'SIGNATURE_ID'
Send a reminder for signature request job.
response = client.send_signature_reminder 'SIGNATURE_ID'
Get the audit trail of a signature request document
response = client.download_audit_trail 'ID', 'DOCUMENT_ID'
Get the signed document of a signature request document
response = client.download_signed_document 'ID', 'DOCUMENT_ID'
Get all account brandings.
response = client.get_brandings
Get a single branding.
response = client.get_branding 'BRANDING_ID'
Create a new branding. You can check all branding params.`
params = {
:layout_color: '#FFBF00',
:text_color: '#2A1B0A',
:application_texts: { :sign_button: 'Sign!' }
response = client.create_branding params
Update a single branding.
params = { :application_texts: { :send_button: 'Send!' } }
response = client.update_branding 'BRANDING_ID', params
Retrieve all data from your templates.
response = client.get_templates
####Get all certified emails
response = client.get_emails
####Get last 50 emails
response = client.get_emails 50
####Navigate through all emails in blocks of 50 results
response = client.get_emails 50, 50
Count all certified emails
response = client.count_emails
Get a single email
client.get_email 'EMAIL_ID'
Create a new certified email.
file_path = '/path/document.pdf'
recipients = [{:name => 'Mr John', :email => ''}]
response = client.create_email file_path, recipients, 'ruby subject', 'ruby body', {}
Get the original document of an email request
response = client.download_email_original_file 'EMAIL_ID','CERTIFICATE_ID'
Get the audit trail document of an email request
response = client.download_email_audit_trail 'EMAIL_ID','CERTIFICATE_ID'