- Scrapes country/state wise trends data from twitter and save to database.
- Manages endpoints to serve data.
- Manages twitter user oauth.
Clone repo then,
- npm install - Install dependency
- npm start - run dev server
- npm run nodemon - run dev server with nodemon
- create .env at project root with following entries-
PORT = 5656
DB_STRING = mongodb://-------------------------------------------------/trendytags
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = yva----------------------------pgUkz
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = NsHSq5----------------------------tWXBhGN
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN = 10760008593334394----------------------------tOfSxOcutZ
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = dc982J----------------------------q3s7mMUIdEJ
FRONTEND = https://twittie.herokuapp.com/