This package is a work-in-progress for generating inferred signals in dead regions of a DUNE-ND-like liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC).
It is a generative Sparse 3D Convolutional Neural Network.
View the plotting notebook with outputs on nbviewer
Examples and preprint coming soon...
- Data Preparation
Place the simulation .npz files for muon-like tracks in the /data directory. A link to download these files is provided in a text file located in /data. Instructions on generating these simulation files will be added here in the future.
Your environment needs to have the packages in
Instructions to install MinkowksiEngine is coming soon ...
Running LArDRIP
To run the model,
First, modify
to point to the inputs above and place the outputs where you want them to exist.
Then use the following command:
bash python3 /ME_model/
If you need to resume training from a specific epoch (for instance, after an interruption), use the following command:
bash python3 /ME_model/ --resume --checkpoint_path /path/to/checkpoint/checkpoint_epoch_{epoch_number}.pth --wandb_run_id {wandb_id}
: The epoch from which to resume training. The model will start from this epoch + 1.
: The Weights and Biases ID for tracking the training session.