Releases: silverstripe/silverstripe-blog
Releases · silverstripe/silverstripe-blog
What's Changed
- DEP Update JS dependencies by @github-actions in #673
- MNT Use GitHub Actions CI by @emteknetnz in #680
- MNT Use update-js action by @emteknetnz in #681
- MNT Standardise modules by @emteknetnz in #682
- DOC Restore page title by @maxime-rainville in #684
- MNT Add github action for deploying userdocs by @GuySartorelli in #686
- DOC Very minor doc tweak to test netlify hook by @maxime-rainville in #688
- ENH Replace ADMIN permissions with less permissions in Behat test by @sabina-talipova in #687
New Contributors
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #673
- @GuySartorelli made their first contribution in #686
- @sabina-talipova made their first contribution in #687
Full Changelog: 3.10.0...3.11.0-beta1
What's Changed
- DEP Set PHP 7.4 as the minimum version by @emteknetnz in #666
- ENH Add config to control if a default author is added to posts on creation by @jellygnite in #669
- MNT Unit test for add_default_author config by @emteknetnz in #671
- MNT Add update JS deps workflow by @emteknetnz in #672
- ENH Various fixes for PHP 8.1 compatibility by @emteknetnz in #676
- ENH PHP 8.1 compatibility by @emteknetnz in #675
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 by @dependabot in #677
New Contributors
- @jellygnite made their first contribution in #669
Full Changelog: 3.9.0...3.10.0
Release 3.5.0
3.2.2 was created from the wrong base branch - effectively making this a pre-emptive major (4.0.0) release. This tag is therefore marked as invalid.
Please use 3.2.3 instead of this tag
- FIX Blog profile summary field is always inserted before the profile image field (Robbie Averill) - 233a5e6
- FIX: Update Blog archive date formats for SS4 (Shaun Cockerill) - c089580
- update namespace for blog controllers (stevevu) - 682e522
- Add yarn lock file (Robbie Averill) - 38a8b77
- FIX Remove obsolete z-index values for CMS menus. Fixes fullscreen TinyMCE overlap (Robbie Averill) - b41d5c8
- FIX Blog profile summary field is always inserted before the profile image field (Robbie Averill) - fb1b692
- Update translations (Dylan) - 392b4aa
- FIX Remove "Add new blog post" button from Blog Posts GridField in a members profile (Robbie Averill) - fffd2ce
- FIX Correctly import namespaces in BlogPostNotifications class (Robbie Averill) - 29154ea
- Fix bad date formatting (Martin Portevin) - b483446
- ENHANCEMENT added MinutesToRead() (zanderwar) - 3f24858
- Remove PHP 5.3 from Travis builds (Robbie Averill) - 7672504
- Fixing non int pagination variable server error (3Dgoo) - f948afe
- Fixing non int pagination variable server error (3Dgoo) - 483a384
- FIX Update template based requirement calss (Raissa North) - 84ef592
- Remove unneeded requirement (Raissa North) - 8dfb442
- ENHANCEMENT Update hard reference to png file (Raissa North) - 1feaa52
- Optimise imports (Raissa North) - e437e7a
- FIX Fix line length (Raissa North) - f2ef7a9
- Run TextCollector task (Raissa North) - ba6328f
- ENHANCEMENT Vendorise module and expose dist and images directory (Raissa North) - f131daf
- Remove old compiled CSS files, they live in client now (Raissa North) - 6ce8871
- FIX Javascript and SCSS linting and removed unused images (Raissa North) - 8b005b3
- Update license year (Raissa North) - 12e8025
- Update readme, editorconfig, phpcs ruleset (Raissa North) - f3c7c40
- API Remove default values from GridField class constructors (Raissa North) - 12c4b71
- API Rename GridFieldConfig so it has no underscore in the class name (Raissa North) - b4d7530
- Add PHP 7.2 to Travis build configuration (Raissa North) - ac5a736
- FIX Update Requirements references to new build paths (Raissa North) - bf13d52
- API Convert gulp and Compass builds to use Webpack (Raissa North) - 7ef456a
- FIX Use clock icon for scheduled posts (Raissa North) - c122f17
- FIX Remove timer icon image and associated CSS styles (Raissa North) - dd66125
- FIX Auto publish a Member's profile image when saving (Raissa North) - f38630c
- FIX Replace jQuery UI icons with admin font icons (Raissa North) - b37ad24
- Remove use of deprecated assertDOSContains (Daniel Hensby) - b7510c8
- Publish test widget explicitly (Daniel Hensby) - 0c23c78
- Reorganise imports and class detection for WidgetControllers (Daniel Hensby) - 51edd8d
- #498: Moved widget templates (Nik Spijkerman) - 59bd411
- fixed namespacing for widgets (Jason Korth) - 64437b9
- bugfix - set $table_name for widgets (Jason Irish) - db071b2
- FIX Add missing translation for GridFieldBlogPostState (Raissa North) - 18fe0a9
- Update branch alias for 2.6.x-dev (Robbie Averill) - 0efaef9
- Remove obsolete branch alias (Robbie Averill) - 1a9cdee
- FIX Ensure that draft blog posts are always viewable to users with view draft permission (Robbie Averill) - c2f5850
- Test for disable_profiles option (zanderwar) - 99112e6
- Documentation for disabling user profiles (zanderwar) - 2e01219
- Added config option check for disable_profiles and removed linking if it is disabled (zanderwar) - 3d8f094
- Fixed return tags and values (zanderwar) - 54aeb23
- Updating travis install steps (Daniel Hensby) - 49744a0
- FIX convert CI bootstrap references to new their new locations in vendor (Dylan Wagstaff) - ee74732
- FIX testArchiveMonthlyWithNewPostsAdded SS4 friendly (Franco Springveldt) - f972b1c
- FIX Archive widget shows months from posts published that day (Robbie Averill) - d47648a
- FIX Datetime format for MySQL and Postgres, add widgets to Travis builds (Robbie Averill) - 427abee
- add meta links for previous and next pages in pagination (Florian Thoma) - dae2ba0
- FIX Update BlogArchiveWidget and tests for SS4 (Robbie Averill) - 6525f1c
- FIX BlogArchiveWidget for PostgreSQL compatibility (Robbie Averill) - 8e684de
- Increase mimumum versioned of SilverStripe to 3.2 and update versions in Travis configuration (Robbie Averill) - 92f6192
- Add tests for BlogArchiveWidget (Robbie Averill) - a1e4f3e
- Add sass config and compile (Daniel Hensby) - 311842a
- FIX Display individual years in blog archive widget when set to "Yearly" (Robbie Averill) - 27044d8
- FIX Blog user settings help links displayed incorrectly (Franco Springveldt) - 010d751
- FIX namespaced includes (Franco Springveldt) - 5d516ea
- DOC typos and translations fixed (Franco Springveldt) - 3936ddc
- SS4 documentation updates (Franco Springveldt) - 8e3729d
- Removed HTML from lang files (Franco Springveldt) - 297e384
- Lang updates (Franco Springveldt) - 5737881
- Revert "Removing translations in preparation for namepsacing them" (Robbie Averill) - 6527cba
- FIX further translations fixed in templates (Franco Springveldt) - dc0e56b
- FIX Update BlogFunctionalTest for SS4 (Robbie Averill) - db18b5d
- FIX updated translations to use namespaces (Franco Springveldt) - 90359e3
- Removing translations in preparation for namepsacing them (Franco Springveldt) - 6a16213
- FIX refactored classes to use Injectable::create() (Franco Springveldt) - 2417863
- FIX refactored deprecated DB::getConn() (Franco Springveldt) - 87e5cfc
- FIX replaced magic config() calls to use the config::get() (Franco Springveldt) - 7823b40
- FIX updated deprecated Member::logout() calls (Franco Springveldt) - 0b5b71c
- FIX updated traditional array syntax (Franco Springveldt) - e70e051
- FIX refactored to remove code from _config.php (Franco Springveldt) - d9d5c01
- FIX namespaced _t() calls (Franco Springveldt) - e6cf037
- FIX removed @Package and @subpackage references (Franco Springveldt) - 7c8866d
- FIX PHP Linter fixes (Franco Springveldt) - 026b64c
- FIX updated depreated Member::currentUser() references (Franco Springveldt) - aec1d54
- Always use precise on Travis (Robbie Averill) - 3bb1979
- FIX Encode URLSegment to support multibyte member profile URLs (Robbie Averill) - 2631175
- Update translations (Franco Springveldt) - a212db3
- FIX added date formatting (Franco Springveldt) - 236bf6d
- FIX If BlogPost has date field, return it in getDate (Daniel Hensby) - 3a18b9f
- give BlogPost ownership of FeaturedImage (Andrew Aitken-Fincham) - 409b419
- Add phpcs ruleset and fix violations (Robbie Averill) - 563e33c
- FIX Update Travis configuration and coverage whitelist (Robbie Averill) - ba51a8e
- Remove HHVM from test builds (Daniel Hensby) - 34b6191
- FIX Dont generate urlsegments if we dont need to (Daniel Hensby) - c29438f
- FIX mysql >= 5.7 sql_mode=only_full_group_by error (Franco Springveldt) - 0d6b44a
- add meta links for previous and next pages in pagination (Florian Thoma) - 4f1eb3d