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Command IR Instruction Reference
- Basic Commands and Instructions
- Control Flow
- Events
Execute Instructions
- Function Properties
- NBT Instructions
- Variable Arithmetic Instructions
- Text Instructions
- Type Constructor Instructions
<ret> = as_single_cmd <block>
Forces a basic block to become a single command, the command is returned as a command variable. An error is raised if the block cannot be a single command.
block: BasicBlock
The basic block
ret: CmdFunction
Allowed locations: preamble
bar_set_max <bar>, <max>
Sets the maximum value for a bossbar.
bar: BossbarRef
Bar to modify
max: int
Max value
Allowed locations: runtime code
bar_set_players <bar>, <players>
Set the players who can see the bossbar.
bar: BossbarRef
players: Opt(EntitySelection)
Players. If NULL then no players will be shown the bar
Allowed locations: runtime code
bar_set_value <bar>, <val>
Sets the current value of the given bossbar.
bar: BossbarRef
Bossbar to modify
val: int
Bar value
Allowed locations: runtime code
clear <targets>, <item>, <max_count>
Clears items matching the given item type from targetted entities.
targets: EntitySelection
Entities to clear the item from
item: ItemType
Item to clear
max_count: int
Max count of items. -1 to clear all matching items.
Allowed locations: runtime code
clone <src0>, <src1>, <dest>
Clones a region of blocks specified by a lower left and upper right bound to a given destination position.
src0: Position
Lower left position
src1: Position
Upper right position
dest: Position
Destination position
Allowed locations: runtime code
<ret> = copy <any>
Creates a deep copy of an object. Only certain object types can be copied.
any: NativeType
Any object that supports copying
ret: NativeType
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = getter <var>
Returns a command variable that when run, gives the variable's value in the 'result' of the command's execution.
var: Variable
The variable to create the getter for
ret: CmdFunction
Allowed locations: preamble
give <targets>, <item>, <count>
Gives targetted entities an item.
targets: EntitySelection
Entities to give the item to
item: ItemType
The item to give
count: int
Item count
Allowed locations: runtime code
give_effect <target>, <effect>, <seconds>, <amp>, <hide_particles>
Gives target entities the specified effect. See /effect
for details.
target: EntitySelection
Entities to give the effect to
effect: VirtualString
The effect name
seconds: Opt(int)
Number of seconds the effect will last
amp: Opt(int)
hide_particles: Opt(str)
Whether to hide particles (true|false)
Allowed locations: runtime code
join_team <team>, <members>
Adds the specified entities to the given team.
team: TeamRef
The team to join
members: Opt(EntitySelection)
Members joining the team. If NULL then the current command sender is added.
Allowed locations: runtime code
kill <target>
Despawns the target entities from the world.
target: EntitySelection
Entities to despawn
Allowed locations: runtime code
move_to_entity <sources>, <target>
Moves entities to another target entity.
sources: EntitySelection
Entities to move
target: EntitySelection
Destination entity
Allowed locations: runtime code
pragma <key>, <value>
Set a pragma value. Pragmas are implementation defined and generally should not be configured by end users.
key: str
Pragma name
value: VirtualString
Pragma value
Allowed locations: global preamble
replace_block_item <pos>, <slot>, <item>, <amount>
Replaces an item in a block's inventory at a specified slot with the
given item. See /replaceitem
for details.
pos: Position
Block position
slot: VirtualString
Inventory slot
item: ItemType
Replacement item
amount: Opt(int)
Replace amount
Allowed locations: runtime code
replace_entity_item <target>, <slot>, <item>, <amount>
Replaces an item in an entity's inventory at a specified slot with the
given item. See /replaceitem
for details.
target: EntitySelection
Target entities to replace their items
slot: VirtualString
Inventory slot
item: ItemType
Replacement item
amount: Opt(int)
Replace amount
Allowed locations: runtime code
run_cmd <cmd>
Runs the command given in the command variable.
cmd: CmdFunction
The command variable
Allowed locations: runtime code
set_title_times <player>, <fade_in>, <stay>, <fade_out>
Sets the timer parameters for a title being shown to the player.
player: EntitySelection
Players to set the times on
fade_in: int
Title fade in time
stay: int
Title stay time
fade_out: int
Title fade out time
Allowed locations: runtime code
setblock <pos>, <block>
Sets a block in the world at the given position to the given block type.
pos: Position
The block position
block: BlockType
The block type
Allowed locations: runtime code
spawn_entity <entity>, <pos>, <data>
Spawns an entity of the given type at a position.
entity: VirtualString
Entity type name
pos: Opt(Position)
Position. Defaults to the location of the sender
data: Opt(NBTCompound)
Optional NBT data for the entity
Allowed locations: runtime code
spawn_particle <name>, <pos>, <delta>, <speed>, <count>, <mode>, <targets>
Spawn particle effects with the given parameters. See /particle
for details.
name: VirtualString
Particle name
pos: Position
Position to spawn at
delta: Position
Volume to spawn in
speed: float
Speed of the particle
count: int
Number of particles
mode: str
Display mode (normal|force)
targets: Opt(EntitySelection)
Players to show the particles to
Allowed locations: runtime code
team_collision <team>, <behaviour>
Sets the collision behavious for a given team.
team: TeamRef
Team to modify
behaviour: str
Collision behaviour
Allowed locations: runtime code
team_color <team>, <color>
Sets the color for a team.
team: TeamRef
Team to modify
color: TextColor
Color of the team
Allowed locations: runtime code
teleport <target>, <pos>
Moves target entities to a specified position.
target: EntitySelection
Entities to move
pos: Position
Position to move to
Allowed locations: runtime code
title <player>, <action>, <text>
Show a title text to the specified players.
player: EntitySelection
Players to show to
action: str
'clear' or 'reset', otherwise title|subtitle|actionbar
text: Opt(TextObject)
Text to show
Allowed locations: runtime code
tp_with_rot <target>, <pos>, <yrot>, <xrot>
Moves entities to the given position with a specific rotation.
target: EntitySelection
Entities to move
pos: Position
Position to move to
yrot: (int|float|RelPosVal|AncPosVal)
y rotation
xrot: (int|float|RelPosVal|AncPosVal)
x rotation
Allowed locations: runtime code
branch <label>
Unconditionally branch to the given label.
label: BasicBlock
Destination to branch to
Allowed locations: compiletime, runtime code
call <label>
'calls' a label instead of branching. The label must be tagged with the 'function' modifier. Control will resume to the next instruction after the label has been executed.
label: BasicBlock
Label tagged as a function
Allowed locations: compiletime, runtime code
Remove any value from the special command block.
Allowed locations: runtime code
Remove any function from the special zero-tick command block and clear the zero-tick flag.
Allowed locations: runtime code
cmpbr <left>, <op>, <right>, <if_true>, <if_false>
Compare two variables and jump depending on the comparison.
left: Variable
Left variable
op: str
Operator for comparison, one of: lt|le|eq|ge|gt
right: Variable
Right variable
if_true: Opt(FunctionLike)
Label to branch if true
if_false: Opt(FunctionLike)
Label to branch to otherwise
Allowed locations: compiletime, runtime code
deferred_invoke <func>, <retblock>, <fnargs>, <retvars>
Invokes an 'open' function. i.e. a function that does not return to the caller immediately. The function must call the callback function once complete, use run_callback_on_exit for this.
func: VisibleFunction
Function to invoke
retblock: BasicBlock
Block to jump after invoke is finished
fnargs: Opt(tuple)
Parameters to pass to the function
retvars: Opt(tuple)
Tuple of Variable
s to place return values into
Allowed locations: runtime code
get_stack_head <dest>
Copies the head of the global stack into the given variable. Do not use in normal circumstances, instead use paramteter passing.
dest: Variable
Variable to copy into
Allowed locations: runtime code
invoke <func>, <fnargs>, <retvars>
Invokes a function.
func: VisibleFunction
Function to invoke
fnargs: Opt(tuple)
Parameters to pass to the function
retvars: Opt(tuple)
Tuple of Variable
s to place return values into
Allowed locations: runtime code
Removes the head of the global stack. Do not use in normal circumstances, instead use parameter passing.
Allowed locations: runtime code
push_function <func>
Push a function pointer to the top of the global stack.
func: FunctionLike
Function to push
Allowed locations: runtime code
push_stack_frame <framevals>
(Internal) Create a new stackframe.
framevals: tuple
Frame content
Allowed locations: runtime code
push_stack_val <value>
Push a value to the top of the global stack.
value: (Variable|int)
Value to push
Allowed locations: runtime code
rangebr <var>, <min>, <max>, <if_true>, <if_false>
Branch to a label depending on the value of a variable.
var: Variable
Variable to test
min: Opt(int)
Minimum value, or NULL for negative infinity
max: Opt(int)
Maximum value, or NULL for positive infinity
if_true: Opt(FunctionLike)
Label to jump to if min <= var <= max
if_false: Opt(FunctionLike)
Label to jump to otherwise
Allowed locations: compiletime, runtime code
Return from a function.
Allowed locations: compiletime, runtime code
(Internal) Copies the callback function from the stackframe into the zero tick block. See deferred_invoke.
Allowed locations: runtime code
set_command_block <func>
Sets the special command block to run the given function on the next tick.
func: FunctionLike
Function to run
Allowed locations: runtime code
Copies the value from the top of the global stack into the special command block.
Allowed locations: runtime code
set_zero_tick <ref>
Sets the special zero-tick command block to the given function or function reference. The function will execute in the same tick once control is returned to the command block.
ref: (Variable|FunctionLike)
Function reference
Allowed locations: runtime code
Sets the special zero-tick command block to execute the function at the top of the global stack. The function will execute in the same tick once control is returned to the command block.
Allowed locations: runtime code
add_event_condition <event>, <path>, <value>
Add a condition to an event that must be true for the event handler to be invoked.
event: AdvEventRef
Event to add the condition to
path: VirtualString
JSON path in the advancement
value: VirtualString
Value that must match
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = adv_event <event_name>
Creates an advancement-based event object.
event_name: VirtualString
The event name
ret: AdvEventRef
Allowed locations: preamble
event_handler <handler>, <event>
Add an event handler to the given event specification.
handler: IRFunction
Event handler
event: EventRef
Allowed locations: global preamble
fire_event <event>
Fires a tag-based event to all listeners.
event: TagEventRef
Tag event to fire
Allowed locations: runtime code
revoke_event_adv <func>
(Internal) Revokes an advancement to allow an event to re-fire.
func: IRFunction
Allowed locations: runtime code
setupfn <func>
Tags a function as being part of the setup phase. It is called whenever the datapack is reloaded.
func: VisibleFunction
The setup function
Allowed locations: global preamble
<ret> = tag_event <tag_name>
Creates a tag-based event object.
tag_name: VirtualString
The function tag name
ret: TagEventRef
Allowed locations: preamble
exec_align <chain>, <axes>
Executes the rest of the chain with the position aligned to the given
axes. See /execute align
for details.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
axes: str
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_anchor <chain>, <anchor>
Execute the rest of the chain with the anchor position (^) fixed to either feet or eyes of the current entity.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
anchor: str
'feet' or 'eyes'
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_as <chain>, <target>
Executes the rest of the chain for each entity matching the given
selection, changing @s
to refer to the current matching entity.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
target: EntitySelection
Entities to iterate over
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_at_entity <chain>, <target>
Executes the rest of the chain for each entity matching the given selection, changing the relative position, rotation and dimension to originate from the matching entity.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
target: EntitySelection
Entities to iterate over
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_at_entity_pos <chain>, <target>
Executes the rest of the chain using just the position of each matching entity.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
target: EntitySelection
Entities to iterate over
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_at_pos <chain>, <pos>
Executes the rest of the chain from the given position.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
pos: Position
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_face_entity <chain>, <target>, <feature>
Executes the rest of the chain with a rotation that faces the given target entity's feature.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
target: EntitySelection
Target entity to face
feature: str
'eyes' or 'feet'
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_face_pos <chain>, <pos>
Executes the rest of the chain with a rotation that faces the given position.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
pos: Position
Look position
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_finish <exec>
Finishes an execute chain without running an action. Used when only interested in whether a conditional matched or not.
exec: ExecChain
Execute chain
Allowed locations: runtime code
exec_if_block <chain>, <pos>, <block>
Only execute the rest of the chain if the given block specification matches.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
pos: Position
Block position
block: BlockType
Block type to test for
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_if_blocks <chain>, <begin>, <end>, <dest>, <type>
See /execute if blocks
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
begin: Position
Begin position
end: Position
End position
dest: Position
Test position
type: str
all or masked
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_if_cmp <chain>, <left>, <op>, <right>
Executes the rest of the chain if the left variable relates to the right variable using the given operation.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
left: Variable
Left variable
op: str
Operator, one of: lt|le|eq|ge|gt
right: Variable
Right variable
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_if_entity <chain>, <target>
Execute the rest of the chain if at least one entity is found matching the given selection.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
target: EntitySelection
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_if_nbt_var <chain>, <var>
Executes the rest of the chain if the NBT path to the given variable exists. Note that the variable must be backed by NBT.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
var: Variable
NBT Variable
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_if_var <chain>, <var>, <min>, <max>
Execute the rest of the chain if the given variable is within the given bounds.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
var: Variable
min: Opt(int)
Minimum value, or NULL for negative infinity
max: Opt(int)
Maximum value, or NULL for positive infinity
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_rot_entity <chain>, <target>
Executes the rest of the chain with the rotation equivalent to the rotation of the given entity.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
target: EntitySelection
Entities to execute with the rotation of
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_rotate <chain>, <y>, <x>
Executes the rest of the chain with the given rotation.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
y: (int|float|RelPosVal)
Y rotation
x: (int|float|RelPosVal)
X rotation
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_run <exec>, <func>
Finishes the execute chain by running either a command variable, a function label, or a function that takes no parameters.
exec: ExecChain
Execute chain
func: (CmdFunction|FunctionLike)
Function or command to run
Allowed locations: runtime code
exec_store <chain>, <storetype>, <spec>
Adds an execute store component to the execute chain.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
storetype: str
Either result or success
spec: ExecStoreSpec
Execute store specificaion
Allowed locations: compiletime
<ret> = exec_store_bar <bar>, <attr>
Creates an execute store specification that stores into a bossbar.
bar: BossbarRef
Bossbar to store into
attr: str
Attribute to store into, either 'value' or 'max'
ret: ExecStoreSpec
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = exec_store_entity <target>, <path>, <nbttype>, <scale>
Create an execute store specification that stores into an entity's NBT.
target: EntitySelection
Target entity
path: VirtualString
NBT path
nbttype: NBTType
NBT type
scale: (int|float)
Scale before storing
ret: ExecStoreSpec
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = exec_store_var <var>
Creates an execute store specification that stores into a variable.
var: Variable
Variable to store into
ret: ExecStoreSpec
Allowed locations: preamble
exec_unless_block <chain>, <pos>, <block>
Only execute the rest of the chain if the given block specification doesn't match.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
pos: Position
Block position
block: BlockType
Block type to test for
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_unless_blocks <chain>, <begin>, <end>, <dest>, <type>
See /execute unless blocks
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
begin: Position
Begin position
end: Position
End position
dest: Position
Test position
type: str
all or masked
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_unless_cmp <chain>, <left>, <op>, <right>
Executes the rest of the chain if the left variable doesn't relate to the right variable using the given operation.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
left: Variable
Left variable
op: str
Operator, one of: lt|le|eq|ge|gt
right: Variable
Right variable
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_unless_entity <chain>, <target>
Execute the rest of the chain if no entity is found to match the given selection.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
target: EntitySelection
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_unless_nbt_var <chain>, <var>
Executes the rest of the chain if the NBT path to the given variable does not exist. Note that the variable must be backed by NBT.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
var: Variable
NBT Variable
Allowed locations: compiletime
exec_unless_var <chain>, <var>, <min>, <max>
Execute the rest of the chain if the given variable is not within the given bounds.
chain: ExecChain
Execute chain
var: Variable
min: Opt(int)
Minimum value, or NULL for negative infinity
max: Opt(int)
Maximum value, or NULL for positive infinity
Allowed locations: compiletime
<ret> = execute
Create a new execute chain.
ret: ExecChain
Allowed locations: preamble
Marks the function as externally visible. The function will not be renamed on name conflict and will not be removed during optimization.
Allowed locations: function preamble
Marks the function as inline-able. invoke calls to this function will result in the body of the function being inserted at the call site
Allowed locations: function preamble
namespace <namespace>
Sets the function's namespace. By default, a function's namespace is inherited from the datapack definition. This instruction overrides that.
namespace: VirtualString
The namespace
Allowed locations: function preamble
Marks the function as a pure function (i.e. no side-effects). No checks are done to ensure it is side-effect free, allowing for functions with irrelevant side-effects (e.g. caching) to be marked as pure.
Allowed locations: function preamble
Converts this function into an async function - one that does not return immediately, but instead invokes a callback when it eventually exits. Call this function with deferred_invoke.
Allowed locations: function preamble
<ret> = entity_local_nbt <type>, <target>, <path>
Create an NBT variable that references an entity's NBT
type: VarType
Variable type
target: EntityRef
Target entity
path: VirtualString
NBT path
ret: Variable
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = func_ref <func>
Create an NBT compound value that refers to the given function. Caveat: The function must be defined before this instruction is used.
func: FunctionLike
Function to create a reference to
ret: NBTCompound
Allowed locations: preamble
nbt_assign <var>, <nbt>
Sets NBT data on the given variable (which must have type 'nbt').
var: Variable
Variable to set the value on
nbt: (NBTBase|Variable)
NBT value
Allowed locations: runtime code
<ret> = nbt_compound
Creates a new NBT compound.
ret: NBTCompound
Allowed locations: preamble
nbt_compound_set <var>, <key>, <val>
Sets a key to the given NBT value in a compound tag.
var: NBTCompound
Compound to set on
key: VirtualString
val: NBTBase
Allowed locations: compiletime
<ret> = nbt_data_getter <target>, <path>, <scale>
Creates a command variable that when called, sets the 'result' value to whatever the value at the path is in a block or entity.
target: (BlockRef|EntitySelection)
Block or entity to retrieve the value from
path: VirtualString
NBT path to the value
scale: Opt(float)
Scale the result before returning
ret: CmdFunction
Allowed locations: preamble
nbt_data_merge <target>, <data>
Merge the given NBT compound with a block or entity.
target: (BlockRef|EntityRef)
Block or entity to merge with
data: NBTCompound
Compound tag holding values to merge into the target
Allowed locations: runtime code
<ret> = nbt_get_length <var>
Creates a command variable that when called, sets the 'result' value to the length of this NBT variable (list, compound or string).
var: Variable
NBT variable
ret: CmdFunction
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = nbt_list <list_type>
Creates a new NBT list of the given element type.
list_type: Opt(NBTType)
Type of elements. NULL leaves the list with an unknown type
ret: NBTList
Allowed locations: preamble
nbt_list_append <list>, <value>
Appends the given NBT value to an NBT list.
list: NBTList
List to append to
value: NBTBase
Value to append. The value type must be compatible with the list's element type
Allowed locations: compiletime
nbt_modify_from <target>, <target_path>, <action>, <source>, <source_path>
Modify a block or entity at the given NBT path, performing the given action, choosing the value from a path in another block or entity.
target: (BlockRef|EntitySelection)
Block or entity to modify
target_path: VirtualString
NBT path to modify
action: str
Action, one of: append|insert|merge|prepend|set
source: (BlockRef|EntitySelection)
Source entity or block
source_path: VirtualString
Path in source
Allowed locations: runtime code
nbt_modify_val <target>, <path>, <action>, <source>
Modify a block or entity at the given NBT path, performing the given action, with the given NBT value.
target: (BlockRef|EntitySelection)
Block or entity to modify
path: VirtualString
NBT path to modify
action: str
Action, one of: append|insert|merge|prepend|set
source: NBTBase
Allowed locations: runtime code
nbt_modify_var_from <var>, <action>, <source>, <source_path>
Similar to nbt_modify_from except modifies an NBT variable.
var: Variable
Variable to modify
action: str
source: (BlockRef|EntitySelection)
Source entity or block
source_path: (VirtualString|MutableString)
Path in source
Allowed locations: runtime code
nbt_remove <nbtvar>
Removes NBT data associated with an NBT variable. Note that if the variable represents an index into an array, the variable may take on a new value after deleting.
nbtvar: Variable
The NBT variable to delete
Allowed locations: runtime code
nbt_serialize <dest>, <nbt>
Serializes an NBT tag to a string, sets the given MutableString to the serialized value.
dest: MutableString
Destination string
nbt: NBTBase
NBT data to serialize
Allowed locations: compiletime
<ret> = nbt_val <type>, <value>
Creates an NBT value of the given NBT type and value.
type: NBTType
NBT type
value: (NoneType|float|int|VirtualString)
Value of this NBT component. Must be valid for the NBT type
ret: NBTBase
Allowed locations: preamble
nbt_var_append <var>, <nbt>
Appends NBT data to the given nbt variable. The variable must point to an NBT list, else it will fail at runtime.
var: Variable
Variable to set the value on
nbt: (NBTBase|Variable)
NBT value
Allowed locations: runtime code
<ret> = nbtsubpath <root>, <path>, <vartype>
Create a derivative NBT variable from a sub-path of a parent NBT variable.
root: Variable
Original variable
path: VirtualString
vartype: VarType
Type of the variable
ret: Variable
Allowed locations: preamble
<var> = <value>
Sets a variable to a given value.
var: Variable
Variable to set the value on
value: (int|Variable|float)
Value to set
<dest> <op> <src>
Performs an operation on a destination variable using a
source value. See /scoreboard
for details on each operation.
Valid operations are:
dest: Variable
Destination for the operation
src: (int|Variable|float)
Source for the operation
<ret> = text
Creates a text object.
ret: TextObject
Allowed locations: preamble
text_append <text>, <value>
Appends the given value to the text object.
text: TextObject
Text to append to
value: (VirtualString|int|Variable|TextObject)
Value to append
Allowed locations: compiletime
text_click_action <text>, <action>, <value>
Sets the click action on a text object.
text: TextObject
Text object
action: str
Action, one of: open_url|open_file|change_page
value: VirtualString
Value of the action
Allowed locations: compiletime
text_click_func <text>, <action>, <func>
Sets the click action of a text object to run or suggest a function or command.
text: TextObject
Text object
action: str
Either run or suggest
func: (FunctionLike|CmdFunction)
Function or command
Allowed locations: compiletime
text_send <text>, <target>
Sends a text object to target players.
text: TextObject
Text to send
target: EntitySelection
Players to send the text to
Allowed locations: runtime code
text_style <text>, <prop>, <val>
Sets a style property of a text object.
text: TextObject
Text to change the style of
prop: str
Style property
val: (str|VirtualString)
Style value
Allowed locations: compiletime
add_block_prop <block>, <key>, <value>
Adds a property to the block reference.
block: BlockType
key: (VirtualString|str)
Property name
value: VirtualString
Property value
Allowed locations: compiletime
add_item_prop <item>, <nbtprop>
Adds an NBT value to the item properties.
item: ItemType
nbtprop: NBTCompound
NBT value
Allowed locations: compiletime
<ret> = anc_pos <val>
Creates a position component that is relative to the current anchor location (i.e. '^').
val: (float|int)
Offset from anchor
ret: AncPosVal
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = block <block_id>
Creates a block type reference.
block_id: VirtualString
ID of the block
ret: BlockType
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = block_pos <x>, <y>, <z>
Create a block position variable.
x: (int|float|RelPosVal|AncPosVal)
X value
y: (int|float|RelPosVal|AncPosVal)
Y value
z: (int|float|RelPosVal|AncPosVal)
Z value
ret: Position
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = bossbar <name>, <display>
Creates a bossbar reference.
name: str
Bossbar name
display: TextObject
Display text
ret: BossbarRef
Allowed locations: global preamble
<ret> = command <cmd>
Creates a command variable out of a raw command string.
cmd: VirtualString
Raw command string
ret: CmdFunction
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = compileonly <type>
Creates a local variable of the given variable type.
type: VarType
Variable type
ret: Variable
Allowed locations: function preamble
<ret> = define <type>
Creates a local variable of the given variable type.
type: VarType
Variable type
ret: Variable
Allowed locations: function preamble
<ret> = entity_local_access <local>, <target>
Creates a variable whose value depends on the objective and target entities.
local: EntityLocal
Scoreboard objective
target: EntitySelection
Target entities
ret: Variable
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = global <type>, <linkage>, <namespace>
Creates a global variable of the given variable type.
type: VarType
Variable type
linkage: str
Linkage (internal|external)
namespace: Opt(VirtualString)
ret: Variable
Allowed locations: global preamble
<ret> = item <item_id>
Creates an item reference.
item_id: VirtualString
Item ID
ret: ItemType
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = item_name <item>
Constructs a string containing the given item's name.
item: ItemType
Item to get the name of
ret: VirtualString
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = mut_string <val>
Creates a new mutable string with an optional initial value.
val: Opt(VirtualString)
Initial value
ret: MutableString
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = objective <name>, <criteria>
Creates a new objective reference, optionally with some criteria.
name: VirtualString
Objective name
criteria: Opt(VirtualString)
Criteria. If NULL then it will be 'dummy'
ret: EntityLocal
Allowed locations: global preamble
<ret> = parameter <type>, <passtype>
Add a required parameter of a given type to a function.
type: VarType
Parameter type
passtype: str
Parameter pass type (byref or byval)
ret: Variable
Allowed locations: function preamble
<ret> = player_ref <name>
Creates a reference to a player name.
name: VirtualString
Player name
ret: EntityRef
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = position <x>, <y>, <z>
Create a position variable.
x: (int|float|RelPosVal|AncPosVal)
X value
y: (int|float|RelPosVal|AncPosVal)
Y value
z: (int|float|RelPosVal|AncPosVal)
Z value
ret: Position
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = rel_pos <val>
Create a position component that is relative to the sender (i.e. '~').
val: (float|int)
Offset from sender
ret: RelPosVal
Allowed locations: preamble
<ret> = return <type>
Define a variable to hold a return value of the given type for a function.
type: VarType
Return type
ret: Variable
Allowed locations: function preamble
sel_nbt <sel>, <path>, <val>
Adds an NBT specification to the selector. Candidate entities must have the NBT value specified in the given NBT value.
sel: Selector
path: VirtualString
Path to NBT, empty string is the root path
val: NBTBase
Value that candidate entities must match
Allowed locations: compiletime
select_score_range <sel>, <score>, <min>, <max>
Adds a score range parameter to the selector.
sel: Selector
score: EntityLocal
min: Opt(int)
Minimum value, or NULL for negative infinity
max: Opt(int)
Maximum value, or NULL for positive infinity
Allowed locations: compiletime
<ret> = selector <type>
Creates a new selector object.
type: SelectorType
Type of selector (a|e|s|p|r)
ret: EntitySelection
Allowed locations: preamble
set_block_nbt <block>, <nbt>
Sets NBT data to a block reference.
block: BlockType
nbt: NBTCompound
NBT value
Allowed locations: compiletime
set_selector <sel>, <key>, <value>
Sets a selector key to the given value.
sel: Selector
key: str
value: VirtualString
Allowed locations: compiletime
string_concat <dest>, <src>
Appends src onto the mutable string dest. src is copied by value.
dest: MutableString
String to modify
src: (MutableString|VirtualString)
Source string
Allowed locations: compiletime
<ret> = team <name>, <display>
Creates a team reference.
name: str
Team name
display: Opt(TextObject)
Optional display text
ret: TeamRef
Allowed locations: global preamble