Tool for pre-processing alignments with barcode
Python 2.7.10 or later
pysam 0.12 or later
Trim clipped reads
python ./ -T -b input.sorted.bam -r ${REF_FILE} -o output_trimmed.bam -p ./tmp -n 11
Convert reference indexed alignment to barcode (BX) indexed alignments
python ./ -C -b input.sorted.bam -o output_barcode_indexed.bam -p ./tmp -n 11
Convert reference indexed alignment to molecule barcode (MI) indexed alignments
python ./ -X -b input.sorted.bam -o output_barcode_indexed.bam -p ./tmp -n 11
Convert barcode indexed alignments to reference based alignment
python ./ -K -b input.sorted.bam -i header_template_bam.bam -o output_barcode_indexed.bam
Haplotype block statistic
python ./ -B -b input.sorted.bam -o block_info.txt -n 11 -p ./tmp/
Molecule length statistic
python ./ -S -b barcode_indexed_sorted.bam -o molecule_info.txt -n 11 -p ./tmp/
Generate barocde matrix
python ./ -G -b input.sorted.bam -i chrom_size.txt -o out_matrix.bed -n 11 -p ./tmp/ -w 10000 -k 250 -m 1
Matrix visualization: The exported matrix can be viewed through HiGlass: NA12878 10X hg19
- Generate matrix by haplotype information, for each block generate two matrices