To configure set HSANA variable to HaSpect directory
setenv HSANA /path_to_here/HaSpect
Copy the $HSANA/rootrc file to your top level directory. If you already have a .rootrc file you can just copy the lines from within rootrc
cp $HSANA/rootrc ~/.rootrc
The purpose of the HASPECT data handling project is to : Use the ROOT data analysis framework to its full potential Build PROOF compatable code i.e. in accoradance with TSelector Integrate with RooFit analysis tools Create a user friendly enviroment Minimal configuration Provide useful examples and good documentation Provide minimal and optional additional code that can be used by users in their prefered manner Encourage users to optimise code (for speed, user friendliness and to do the best job) Be flexible and inclusive Code should be changed and improved as it develops and the goals become better defined Code should be written in a general manner, not specific to one experiment