All scripts are expected to be run on a compute cluster supporting Slurm
Sequence files are expected to reside in
and named{PATIENT}_S{SEQNR}_L001_R{READDIR}_001.fastq
Because some software is only supported on Pyhon 2.x and some on 3.x, we have to work with two conda environments:
conda env create -f ./bio2.yml
conda env create -f ./bio3.yml
Download the alignment software (bwameth is already installed as part of the conda environment):
mkdir software
cd software
unzip ./
rm ./
unzip ./
rm ./
# Load the aligners into current env
source ./
cd ..
Start with downloading the reference genome:
mkdir genome
cd genome
# Resource-intensive operation, run with Slurm
srun --mem=10G --time=00:02:00 gunzip ./Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
cd ..
Then run the preparation script (bisulfite prep, indexing) for each alignment method (replace bismark with bwameth or bsseeker):
./ bismark ./genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.primary_assembly.fa
To obtain a preliminary quality control report on the data:
mkdir processing
cd processing
source activate bio3
# Create renamed symlinks to FASTQ files
../ ../raw_data ./data
# Generate FastQC reports
../ ./data ./raw_fq
# Aggregate with MultiQC
multiqc ./raw_fq
Since the previous report indicates adapter contamination, perform adapter trimming and generate a new quality control report:
../ ./data ./trimmed_res
../ ./trimmed_res ./trimmed
../ ./trimmed ./trimmed_fq
multiqc ./trimmed_fq
Perform bisulfite alignment of the trimmed sequences for each method (replace bismark with bwameth or bsseeker):
../ bismark ../genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.primary_assembly.fa ./trimmed ./aligned
Run the following script to generate methylation reports for all methods at once:
../ ../genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.primary_assembly.fa ./aligned
Finally, download the reports to your own computer:
scp user@cluster:./processing/aligned ../meth