This is a fork of a project I've been working on creating a pomodoro timer app.
Install OS Dependencies:
brew install docker brew install tmux brew install overmind
Install Project dependencies:
nvm i # install .nvmrc specified version of Node npm i
filescp .env.example .env cp .env.example .env.test
Be sure to visit these files and update the
to match your DB settings. -
Initial setup
npm run setup # Run Remix postinstall scripts npm run db:up # Setup the database npm run db:migrate # Migrate the dev and test databases npm run db:seed # (Optional) Seed the database with a default user
Validate the app has been set up properly (optional):
npm run validate
Start the
:overmind start
Visit the app locally, open Storybook, and the Prisma Studio
This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.
The database seed script creates a new user with some data you can use to get started:
- Email:
- Password:
npm run db:down # Stop the docker container running the postgres db
npm run db:teardown # Stop the docker container and delete the local db files
npm run test # Run tests with vitest