Background | Installation | Beginners | Tutorials | Features | Commands List | Coming Soon... | Requested Features | Version History
simpleXR (sXR) is a software package designed to facilitate rapid development of XR experiments. Researchers in many different fields are starting to use virtual/augmented reality for studying things like learning, navigation, vision, or fear. However, the packages previously available for developing in XR were directed at computer scientists or people with a strong background in programming. sXR makes programming as simple as possible by providing one easy to use library with single line commands for more complicated tasks. The package is built for Unity and can be downloaded as a template project or added to previous projects with little effort. Just replace the scene's camera with the sXR_prefab and you'll gain access to multiple user interfaces and a plethora of commands that will allow you to start gathering data in days, not months. Extended reality is hard... simpleXR is simple.
Installation is now available through the package manager. Add from Git URL (with '.git' at the end), then right click to add sxr_prefab to your scene. For a full guide, see the wiki Installation page
Once installed, "sxr." commands should be automatically available in your IDE without any further setup:
While every attempt has been made to ensure sXR is compatible with all devices/Unity projects and bug free, there is the chance of encountering problems when using sXR. Please make a new issue on Github if you run into anything that doesn't seem to work how it should, or if there's a new feature you would like to see:
simpleXR is open-source, meaning the community is free to contribute. If you have a forked repository and have added a feature you'd like to see in the main repository, please make sure your code can be merged with the main repository before submitting a pull request. If it cannot merge, please include detailed comments on what has been changed in the main repository that is causing a conflict. To avoid conflicts, it's best to frequently update your working repository to the most up to date version of the package.
While sXR makes Unity much simpler, it can still be complicated if you're just starting out. The project contains a sample experiment with a step-by-step video walkthrough (youtube link). If you don't understand the ExperimentScript.cs file of the sample experiment, I recommend watching the entire video as it breaks down the development process. Feel free to reach out if you get stuck!
Storing and accessing variables
Sample experiment video walkthrough (for beginners)
Autosave - Enabled by default, can be turned off in the sXR tab of the toolbar. Automatically saves the scene when "Play" is pressed. Be sure to use "File->Save As" to name your scene or it will ask where you want to save.
Automatic VR - Enabled by default, can be turned off in the sXR tab of the toolbar. Automatically switches between moving the camera with keyboard controls (arrow keys/WASD) or with HMD tracking.
Safety Wall - Enabled by default, can be turned off in the sXR tab of the toolbar. Sometimes we don't want participants to see the wireframe boundary of SteamVR and need a bit more control over where the HMD will stop you. Declare the size of your space in the sXR tab and a "Stop" message will appear when the headset reaches the border. Do not rely solely on this feature since HMD tracking can be unstable. Always have participants walk carefully when they're wearing a headset.
Automatic position/eye-tracker recording - Using 'sxr.StartRecordingCameraPos()' or 'sxr.StartRecordingEyeTrackerInfo()' will enable automatic recording of the position/eye-tracker info at the frequency you specify in the sXR tab of the toolbar. Synchronizes eye-tracker and position information allowing for the scene to be replayed with the participant's gaze highlighted
Variable management - Allows you to access/change variables globally with sxr.SetInt/SetFloat/SetString/SetBool and sxr.GetInt/GetFloat/GetString/GetBool. The variables are saved to the computer and will load automatically with Unity. These variables can also be viewed/added/changed with the Unity editor in the sXR tab.
SetPref() Sets a Unity PlayerPref (See Variable persists upon restarting Unity
SetInt()/SetBool()/SetFloat()/SetString() Sets the specified type of variable as a PlayerPref
GetInt()/GetBool()/GetFloat/GetString() Returns the variable with the specified name
SetExperimentName() - Used to override automatic naming scheme
ChangeExperimenterTextbox() - Chooses what to display on the specified textbox of the experimenter's screen
DefaultExperimenterTextboxes() - Specifies whether or not to use the defaults for textboxes 1-3 on the experimenter screen
ExperimenterTextboxEnabled() - Used to disable/re-enable textboxes on the experimenter's screen.
GetPhase() - Returns the current phase of the experiment. The experiment flow hierarchy is Phase > Block > Trial > Step
GetBlock() - Returns the current block number of the experiment
GetTrial() - Returns the current trial number of the experiment
GetStepInTrial() - Returns the current step of the trial
NextPhase() - Increments to the next phase, resets block/trial/step to zero
NextBlock() - Increments to the next block, resets trial/step to zero
NextTrial() - Increments to the next trial, resets step to zero
SetStep() - Sets the step to the specified number
StartTimer() - Starts a timer with the provided name. If no name is provided, starts the default trial timer. Requires a specified duration to use CheckTimer()
PauseTimer() - Pauses the timer with the provided name. If no name is provided, pauses the default trial timer.
CheckTimer() - Checks if the duration of a timer has passed. If it is a named timer, deletes the timer once duration is reached and CheckTimer() is called
RestartTimer() - Restarts the timer with the provided name. If no name is provided, restarts the default trial timer
TimePassed() - Checks how much time has passed on the timer with the provided name. If no name is provided, checks the default trial timer
TimeRemaining() - Checks how much time is left on the timer with the provided name. If no name is provided, checks the default trial timer
WriteHeaderToTaggedFile() - Writes the header line to the csv file with the specified tag. Any columns that will be made in WriteToTaggedFile() should have a column title declared with this function
WriteToTaggedFile() - Writes the line provided to the csv file with the specified tag
StartRecordingCameraPos() - Starts recording the world position of the vrCamera at the interval specified in sXR_settings
PauseRecordingCameraPos() - Pauses recording the camera until StartRecordingCameraPos() is called again
StartRecordingJoystick() - Starts recording the joystick position at the interval specified in sXR_settings
PauseRecordingJoystic() - Pauses recording the joystick until StartRecordingJoystick() is called again
StartRecordingEyeTrackerInfo() - Starts recording the information provided by an eyetracker at the interval specified in sXR_settings. Supports screenFixationX, screenFixationY, gazeFixationX, gazeFixationY, gazeFixationZ, leftEyePositionX, leftEyePositionY, leftEyePositionZ, rightEyePositionX, rightEyePositionY, rightEyePositionZ, leftEyeRotationX, leftEyeRotationY,leftEyeRotationZ, rightEyeRotationX, rightEyeRotationY, rightEyeRotationZ, leftEyePupilSize, rightEyePupilSize, leftEyeOpenAmount, and rightEyeOpenAmount (if these options are supported by the headset eyetracker, pupil size and eye open amount are not available through OpenXR).
PauseRecordingEyeTrackerInfo() - Pauses recording the eyetracker until StartRecordingEyeTrackerInfo() is called again
StartTrackingObject() - Starts recording the position of the object with the provided name at the interval specified in sXR_settings
PauseTrackingObject() - Pauses recording the position of the object with the provided name until StartTrackingObject() is called again
InputSlider() - Creates and displays a slider that the participant can manipulate with the controller laser
InputDropdown() - Creates and displays a dropdown menu that the participant can manipulate with the controller laser
ParseInputUI() - Gets the response from an open InputSlider or InputDropdown
DisplayText() - Displays text to the VR headset at the specified position
HideText() - Hides text on the VR headset at the specified position
HideAllText() - Hides all text locations displayed on the VR headset
DisplayImage() - Displays an image at the specified location on the VR headset
DisplayPrebuilt() - Displays prebuilt "STOP", "Loading", "Finished", and "Eye Error" screens
HideImageUI() - Hides an image at the specified location on the VR headset
HideImagesUI() - Hides all images displayed on the VR headset
GetTrigger() - Returns true if the VR controller trigger, a joystick trigger, or the keyboard's spacebar are pressed
KeyHeld() - Returns true continuously with the specified delay if the specified keyboard key is pressed
InitialKeyPress() - Returns true only on the initial frame a keyboard key is pressed
KeyReleased() - Returns true only on the initial frame a keyboard key is released
GetJoystickDirection() - Returns which direction the joystick is pushed to (Left, Right, Up, Down, UpLeft, UpRight, DownLeft, DownRight, None)
CheckController() - Checks to see if the specified VR controller button is pressed. LH for lefthand, RH for righthand. Unhanded designations return true if left or right buttons are pressed (LH_Trigger, LH_SideButton, LH_TrackPadRight, LH_TrackPadLeft, LH_TrackPadUp, LH_TrackPadDown, LH_ButtonA, LH_ButtonB, RH_Trigger, RH_SideButton, RH_TrackPadRight, RH_TrackPadLeft, RH_TrackPadUp, RH_TrackPadDown, RH_ButtonA, RH_ButtonB, Trigger, SideButton, TrackPadRight, TrackPadLeft, TrackPadUp, TrackPadDown, ButtonA, ButtonB)
GetObject() - Returns the Unity GameObject with the provided name
ObjectExists() - Checks if an object exists with the provided name
MoveObject() - Moves the object with the provided name from it's current location by the amount specified. If a time is given, the object will take that duration to reach the target location
MoveObjectTo() - Moves the object with the provided name to the specified location. If a time is given, the object will take that duration to reach the target location
MoveObjectAtSpeedTo() - Moves the object to the specified location moving at the given speed
RotateObject() - Rotates the object with the provided name by the specified amount. If a time is given, the object will take that duration to reach the target rotation
RotateObjectTo() - Rotates the object with the provided name to the specified rotation values. If a time is given, the object will take that duration to reach the target rotation
RotateObjectAtSpeedTo() - Rotates the object to the specified rotation moving at the given speed
FollowParabola() - Moves object along the specified parabola
ObjectMoving() - Returns true if the object is currently in controlled motion
ResizeObject() - Resizes the object over the specified timeframe
ObjectResizing() - Returns true if object is currently being resized
SpawnObject() - Can be used to spawn a Unity PrimitiveType (Sphere, Cube, Plane, etc.). Can also be used to copy an object if an object name is provided.
ObjectVisibility() - Sets the object's and all children object's renderers to be enabled/disabled
IsObjectVisible() - Returns true if the object's renderers are enabled
MakeObjectGrabbable() - Checks for a collision between the object with the provided name and either of the controllers. If the controller is touching the object and the trigger is pulled, the item can be moved with the controller.
EnableObjectPhysics() - Attaches a rigidbody to the object, enabling Unity physics to apply to the object. Gravity can be turned off by passing useGravity=false
ModifyObjectsPhysics() - Allows you to stet bounciness, friction, and dynamic friction of the GameObject
CheckCollision() - Checks if the two specified objects have collided. Automatically adds a mesh collider if an object doesn't have any other collider
PlaySound() - Plays the sound with the specified name. Can also play 'sxr.ProvidedSounds' (Beep, Buzz, Ding, and Stop)
PlayRandomSoundInFolder() - Selects a random sound in the specified folder and plays it
ApplyShaders() - Activates the shaders with the names provided.
ApplyShader() - Activates the shader with the provided name. Will de-activate all other shaders if turnOffOthers=true is passed
SetShaderVariables() - Used to modify variables for the specified shader
LaunchEyeCalibration() - If using SRanipal, will launch the eye calibration tool and return true if calibration is successful
SendHaptic() - Sends a vibration to the controller
ControllerVisual - Turn on/off the controller/controller laser visualization
GetFullGazeInfo() - Returns all available gaze info. Supports screenFixationX, screenFixationY, gazeFixationX, gazeFixationY, gazeFixationZ, leftEyePositionX, leftEyePositionY, leftEyePositionZ, rightEyePositionX, rightEyePositionY, rightEyePositionZ, leftEyeRotationX, leftEyeRotationY,leftEyeRotationZ, rightEyeRotationX, rightEyeRotationY, rightEyeRotationZ, leftEyePupilSize, rightEyePupilSize, leftEyeOpenAmount, and rightEyeOpenAmount (if these options are supported by the headset eyetracker, pupil size and eye open amount are not available through OpenXR).
SetIfNull() - Checks if the referenced GameObject is null. If null, sets the GameObject to the first object with the specified string.
DebugLog() - Displays a debug every message based on the frequency specified in sXR_settings and passed in as the 'frameFrequency'