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  • Commands for running taps, and other keg related tasks


  • Follow the instructions for installing and validating the keg cli


  • Create a folder named keg at ~/keg
    • mkdir -p ~/keg
  • Navigate to keg directory
    • cd ~/keg
  • Git clone the keg-cli repo locally to ~/keg/keg-cli
    • git clone ~/keg/keg-cli
  • Run the bash setup script
    • bash keg-cli/scripts/setup/
  • It should print [ KEG CLI ] Keg CLI setup complete!
    • This message may still print even it an error was thrown
      • Be sure to check the log output
  • Run the keg global setup task in the terminal
    • keg global setup
      • This task will setup up the keg-cli on the local machine
      • It will ask a few questions, so please pay attention


  • Run the key global validate task in the terminal
    • keg global validate
      • This task should validate the install
      • If a problem is found it will try to fix it
      • If the problem can not be fixed, it will let you know


  • src/
    • libs/
      • wrappers around external APIs, such as the Docker CLI
    • tasks/
      • implementations of cli commands
    • templates/
      • templates used for generated files
    • utils/
      • helper functions


  • taps have envs set in their containers folder
    • example: containers/proxy/values-staging.yml
  • custom configuration files are located at .kegConfig/ in your home directory
  • the .kegConfig/defaults.env file sets defaults not defined by the containers/* configs
  • you can also override these values for specific containers and environments
    • add a .kegConfig/<repo_name>-<environment>.env file
    • example: .kegConfig/evf-staging.env
      • this will override envs for the evf tap when in the staging environment
      • -<environment> is optional. If omitted, the file will apply to all environments.