A data-structure library to work with ResourceCollections (with Id and Tag) and PageCollections (search and order as well)
npm i @simpli/resource-collection class-transformer
ResourceCollection is a Collection of items containing id and tag
import { ResourceCollection, IResource } from '@simpli/resource-collection'
Your class must implement IResource
with $id
and $tag
props or getters
class MyResource implements IResource {
get $id (){ return this.myId }
get $tag () { return this.myName }
myId: number
myName: string
constructor(myId: number, myName: string) {
this.myId = myId
this.myName = myName
You must informing the resource type and optionally an array of items
const subject = new ResourceCollection(MyResource, [
new MyResource(1, 'first'),
new MyResource(2, 'second'),
new MyResource(3, 'third'),
new MyResource(4, 'fourth')
subject.size() // returns 4
subject.isEmpty() // returns false
subject.first().$tag // returns 'first'
subject.last().$tag // returns 'fourth'
const allWPH = subject.allWithPlaceholder('hint')
allWPH[0].$tag // returns 'hint'
const allWPHnull = subject.allWithPlaceholder()
allWPHnull[0] // returns null
subject.getById(2).$tag // returns 'second'
const twoAnd3 = subject.getManyIds([2, 3])
twoAnd3[0].$tag // returns 'second'
twoAnd3[1].$tag // returns 'third'
const thebad = new MyResource(666, 'from hell')
const thegood = new MyResource(777, 'mighty one')
subject.add(thebad) // adds in the last position
subject.add(thegood, 0) // adds in the first position
subject.remove(thebad) // thebad was removed
subject.removeById(3) // removed item with id 3
subject.remove(new MyResource(123212, 'unexistent entry')) // not found, no item was removed
subject.removeById(123212) // not found, no item was removed
subject.clear() // remove all items
subject.addFilter({ abc: 123, ignoreMe: null, you: 'and me' })
subject.params // ignores null fields and returns { abc: 123, you: 'and me' }
subject.clearFilters() // remove all fields from filter
PageCollection is useful to work with paginated collections, it extends ResourceCollection
import { PageCollection, IResource } from '@simpli/resource-collection'
Differently of ResourceCollection, you must create a class for your collection
class MyPageCollection extends PageCollection<MyResource> {
constructor() {
async queryAsPage() {
// implement how to update itself with API calls
// send the PageCollection properties to the server
// { search, currentPage, perPage, orderBy, asc }
// and set other PageCollection properties on response
// this.total = <the amount of all items, as if it wasn't paginated>
// this.items = <the items on the current page>
// the class is prepared to be used with class-transformer library
// example using @simpli/serialized-request:
return await Request.get(`/mything`, {params: this.params})
const subject = new MyPageCollection()
// if total is 90 the lastPage will be 4. It contains 5 pages, the last page with only 10 items
subject.isLastPage // returns true
await subject.queryCurrentPage(3)
// will change the page securely and call queryAsPage
await subject.queryPrevPage()
// will change the page securely and call queryAsPage
await subject.queryNextPage()
// will change the page securely and call queryAsPage
subject.noPagination() // to remove pagination properties
subject.currentPage // returns null
subject.perPage // returns null
await subject.querySearch()
// will call queryAsPage IF the search prop null, empty
// or >= PageCollection.defaultMinCharToSearch, which is 2 by default
// to avoid searching with insufficient caracters
await subject.queryOrderBy('column')
//sets the orderBy field, toggle asc and call queryAsPage
subject.orderBy // returns 'column'
subject.asc // returns true
await subject.queryOrderBy('column')
subject.asc // returns false
This collection can concat new items. Note this class expands PageCollection, so this can be used as a regular pagination too.
class MyExpansibleCollection extends ExpansibleCollection<MyResource> {
constructor() {
customFilter: string | null = null
async queryAsPage() {
// implement how to update itself with API calls
// send the PageCollection properties to the server
// { search, currentPage, perPage, orderBy, asc }
// and set other PageCollection properties on response
// this.total = <the amount of all items, as if it wasn't paginated>
// this.items = <the items on the current page>
// the class is prepared to be used with class-transformer library
// example using @simpli/serialized-request:
return await Request.get(`/mything`, {params: this.params})
const subject = new MyExpansibleCollection()
await subject.expand() // showing 20 items
await subject.expand() // showing more 20 items; total = 40
await subject.expand() // showing more 20 items; total = 60
subject.customFilter = 'foo'
await subject.update() // updates the information after the filter; still 60 items
// or
await subject.queryToFirstPage() // reset collection to its initial state; showing 20 items
await subject.queryOrderBy('bar') // apply orderby filter