imagene frog.jpg resize:500,0 append:apple.jpg result.png
cargo build --release
imagene --help
imagene <infile> ...<flag>... ...<action>:<value>... <outfile>
Available Actions:
brightness:<int> -> Increase brightness by percent
contrast:<int> -> Increase contrast by percent
blur:<float> -> Add gaussian blur by sigma (recommended 1-20)
unsharpen:<float,int> -> Add unsharpen mask with float being sigma and int being threshold
invert:<true/false> -> Invert colors of image
flip:<v/h> -> Flip image v for vertically or h for horizontally
rotate:<left/right/down> -> Rotate an image by 90,180,270 degrees
resize:<int,int> -> Resize an image, leave one of the ints empty to auto scale it
crop:<int,int,int,int> -> Crop an image (x,y,width,height)
append:<string,left/under> -> Add another image next to source image
text:<string,(x:y),(r:g:b:a),(font,scale)> -> Add text onto an image, where font is a path to .ttf file. All values are float
format:<string> -> Specify output image format
format:<jpg,int> -> For JPG, also specify quality
Available Flags:
lanczos3 -> Use a slower but possibly higher quality algorithm
-> Increases the contrast of the original image by 20% and adds an extra image next to it
imagene in_file.png contrast:20 append:extra_image.png,left out_file.png
-> Set width to 2000, automatically scales height to keep aspect ratio and output to STDOUT
imagene in_file.png resize:2000,0 stdout
-> Overwrites an image with increased contrast
imagene in_file.png contrast:2 in_file.png
An TODO list- Write documentation and add examples
- Add more comments to
- Improve transparency on text action
- Add color flag that can be used to convert between color modes
- Package for Void and Arch Linux