This project implements the Shamir secret sharing algorithm in Haskell.
Specifically, test/ShamirSpec.hs
demonstrates the secret recovery process by testing every possible combination of shares in a 3-out-of-6 threshold scheme.
The code is modular and fully-tested. The general structure is:
: provides the core API for shamir secret sharing.createShares
: divides a secret into shares, using a k-out-of-n threshold scheme with finite field arithmetic.combineShares
: combines shares to recover a secret, by using Lagrange interpolation.
: provides an interface for working with polynomials.constructPolynomial
: constructs a polynomial from a list of coefficients.evaluatePolynomial
: evaluates a polynomial at point x.
: implements Mathematical functions.extendedEuclid
: calculates the GCD and coeffcients of Bézout's identity for a and b s.t.: ax + by = gcd(a,b).modMultInverse
: calculates the multiplicative inverse of a s.t.: a * b = 1 mod p
: implements utility functions.combination
: returns all possible combinations of n elements from a list.
To run tests: stack test
To start the REPL: stack ghci
- Shamir, Adi. “How to Share a Secret.” Commun. ACM 22 (1979): 612-613.
- Boneh, Dan, and Victor Shoup. Principles of Modern Cryptography. Vol. 0.3, 2016. 443-450.