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Sina Khani edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the Neverland wiki!

To generate Makefile and compile FMS

cd build/
. gen-makefile-FMS
. comp-FMS

To generate Makefile and compile MOM6

cd build/
. gen-makefile-MOM6
. comp-MOM6

Notes for running in the directory Experiment_NL

unlimit -s unlimited
module unload intel intelmpi
module load netcdf-fortran
module load intelmpi/5.0+intel-15.0
mpirun -n 16 ../build/Midway-intel/ocean_only/repro/MOM6

To run interactive jobs on Midway / TACC

. sinteractive --partition=sandyb --nodes=4 --exclusive --constraint=ib --time=05:00:00

Notes for branches

to get back to the original branch that includes Neverland configuration on Midway:

cd src\MOM6
.  git checkout skhani/Neverland

To get the latest updates from dev/master into your branch at Midway

. git checkout dev/master

. git pull dev/master

. git checkout skhani/Neverland

. git merge dev/master

- And if we need a submodule update (new commits) do also the following

. git submodule update

To add my changes from my directory to the Github repository

. git add 

. git commit

. git push -u

To clone MOM6-examples to my directory for running

. git clone --recursive MOM6-examples

To add or remove a file from my directory

. git add "file name" or git rm -r "file name"
. git commit -m 'I add new file!'
. git push -u

To fork a repository

. navigate to "[global-workflow]" on
. click on Fork in the top right corner
. select "Copy the develop branch only"
. clone the code into your directory from the branch you just created