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Minutes20190311 Sayma v2

Paweł K edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 1 revision

MC: Sebastien, Notes: Paweł,

Present: Greg, Joe, Tom, Robert, Sebastien, Paweł, Anna


  • AMC schematics are nearly ready for review, Greg is closing last issues
  • RTM schematics are still incomplete, some issues remain open
  • AMC and RTM schematics will be checked by Creotech after RC versions are posted and everyone agrees on project freeze - focus on changes and conversion artifacts (+Paweł asked Sebastien to sign off on AMC-RTM connectivity)
  • Greg will generate new pinout files for stub ports.
  • AMC stub port is complete and passes implementation. RTM stub port will be done after RTM schematics are posted (and pinout files generated)
  • Next meeting: 2019-03-18, 15:00, MC: Greg, Minutes: Joe


  1. Accept previous minutes:
  2. Status of Sayma AMC and RTM schematics
  3. Status of Sayma AMC and RTM stub ports
  4. Schedule next meeting, MC and minutes
  5. Review meeting quality

Raw notes

  1. Accept previous minutes:

No objections, minutes accepted

  1. Status of Sayma AMC and RTM schematics

Has Sebastien seen amc schematics

Greg: RTM schematics are updated along with issues that are appearing, greg can upload current version with some issues still not closed

Tom: no new issues lately

Sebastien: status of filter?

Greg: implemented, Fast comparator isn't done

Comparator moved to AFE, nothing to do on RTM

Removing tags is resolved

Greg: AMC closed to being done, all issues closed

Joe: what are the next steps, schematics

Greg: schematics and design files should be checked by creotech

Anna: we should close all the issues, no new issues, project freeze

Sebastien: Needs to check DDMTD

Greg will generate new pinout for AMC

Greg will post RC version, we will confirm project freeze and then Creotech will do schematics check

We changed tool, we should check if there are any conversion artifacts, on higher level everything should be ok

Greg will give us version direct from conversion and we can compare high-level differences between this RC (to not check high level that we checked last time)

Anna: We need to check who's available for doing the reviews now, some time passed

Sebastien: Do you need someone else to do the review?

Paweł: Could sebastien review AMC<-> RTM connectivity?, ok

  1. Status of Sayma AMC and RTM stub ports

AMC: done, working except for issues found and resolved

RTM: waiting for schemtics

  1. Schedule next meeting, MC and minutes

Next time, same time

MC: Greg

Minutes: Joe

  1. Review meeting quality

Good, quick

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