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Diogo Pacheco edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 11 revisions

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Create an application that allows companies to book stands on SINFO's venue, as well as send all the information required.

Use case

  1. SINFO's member contacts the company
  2. Company agrees to participate on SINFO, with package X, giving them 2 days of stand, 1 presentation and 1 workshop
  3. Member fills a contract page from this app, indicating the company, package and all the info that is required from the company (for example, logo, presentation's and workshop's info, and finally tax info)
  4. A unique and distintive link is created for this company, which is sent to them
  5. The company can now, using this link, make reservations for the stands and fill the information required by SINFO


The application will be divided in 2 parts: an administration page (accessible by any SINFO's member), and a company page (unique to each company).



    companyId: String,
    edition: String,
    created: Date,
    token: String,
    participationDays: Number,
    activities: [{
        kind: String,
        date: Date
    advertisementKind: String,
    workshop: Boolean,
    presentation: Boolean


    edition: String,
    image: String,
    stands: [{
        id: Number,
        topLeft: {
            x: Number,
            y: Number
        bottomRight: {
            x: Number,
            y: Number
    workshops: [{
        id: Number,
        day: Number,
        start: Date,
        end: Date
    presentations: [{
        id: Number,
        day: Number,
        start: Date,
        end: Date


    id: String, // "${companyId}_${number}" auto incremented
    companyId: String,
    edition: String,
    issued: Date,
    stands: [{
        day: Number,
        standId: Number
    workshop: Number,
    presentation: Number
    feedback: {
        status: String, // ("confirmed", "refused")
        member: String


    companyId: String
    edition: String,
    logo: String,
    activities: [{
        kind: String,
        date: {
            opt1: Date,
            opt2: Date
        title: String,
        description: String,
        speakers: [{
            name: String,
            position: String
    invoice: {
        name: String,
        address: String,
        taxId: String,
        price: Number,
        notes: String,
        invoiceId: String,
        emissionDate: Date,
        file: String
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