This is a Singer tap that produces JSON-formatted data from the Klaviyo API following the Singer spec.
This tap:
- Pulls raw data from the Klaviyo metrics API
- Outputs the schema for each resource
- Incrementally pulls data based on the input state for incremental endpoints
- Updates full tables for global exclusions and lists endpoints
Singer taps function in two modes: discovery mode and sync mode. Before running the tap in sync mode, you should run the tap in discovery mode and direct the output to a file called catalog.json, which can be used as an input to run the tap in sync mode and to specify which streams should be synced (see Step 4).
> virtualenv -p python3 venv > source venv/bin/activate > pip install tap-klaviyo
Create the config file
Create a JSON file containing your API key, start date, email and request timeout (Optional parameter. Default value: 300 seconds).
{ "api_key": "pk_XYZ", "start_date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z", "user_agent": "email_address", "request_timeout": 300 }
Run discover command and save catalog into catalog file
tap-klaviyo --config config.json --discover > catalog.json
Select streams to sync in catalog.json file This link explains the process of formatting catalog.json for stream selection (scroll to "Stream/Field Selection).
Option 1: To select a stream to sync, add
{"breadcrumb": [], "metadata": {"selected": true}}
to its "metadata" entry. -
Option 2: Use an open-source tool called Singer Discover to format the catalog.json file.
[Optional] Create the initial state file
You can provide a JSON file that contains a date for the metrics endpoints to force the application to only fetch events since those dates. If you omit the file it will fetch all commits and issues.
{"bookmarks": "receive": {"since": "2017-04-01T00:00:00Z"}, "open": {"since": "2017-04-01T00:00:00Z"}, }
Run the application
can be run with:tap-klaviyo --config config.json [--state state.json] [--catalog catalog.json]
If you have made changes to your repository, you may need to run the following command after navigating to your local repository (before running the tap):
pip install -e .
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