This repository houses the official implementation of Multiple Instance NeuroImage Transformer (MINiT) paper, accepted at PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine (PRIME 2022) in Singapore to be held on September 24, 2022.
Here, we share the PyTorch implementation for the base NiT and the MINiT model from the paper, as well as the model checkpoint weights trained on both the ABCD and NCANDA datasets.
We additionally share the DistributedDataParallel-based training pipeline used to train the models as well. Please note that due to dataset access limitations with the ABCD and NCANDA datasets, we are unable to share the preprocessed dataset and labels publicly. To easily use our provided training loop, we would recommend implementing your own get_dataset
function in the
for the dataset you'd like to use. We have included our own get_dataset
code as a reference.
The training pipeline can be executed through
in this manner:
python <model_name> <data_directory> <checkpoint_directory> <checkpoint_to_load_filename>
Only model_name
is required, the rest of the arguments are optional.