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MyInfo Connector for Java

MyInfo Connector aims to simplify consumer's integration effort with MyInfo by providing an easy to use Java library to integrate into your application.


Java 1.7 and later

1.1 Maven Installation

Add the following to your application's pom.xml


1.2 Import Connector

Import the into your code as below:


1.3 Properties file

You are required to create a properties file with the following properties for this library. Samples of the properties file can be found in this repository under the Sample Properties folder.

Required Properties Description
KEYSTORE Absolute path of the Java keystore that store all the private/public keys.
KEYSTORE_PASSPHRASE Password of your Java keystore.
KEYSTORE_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE Password of the private key.
PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS Alias of the private key in the Java keystore.
PUBLIC_CERT_ALIAS Alias of the MyInfo public certificate in the Java keystore.
CLIENT_ID Unique ID provided upon approval of your application to use MyInfo. For our sample application, it is STG2-MYINFO-SELF-TEST
CLIENT_SECRET Secret key provided upon approval of your application to use MyInfo. For our sample application, it is 44d953c796cccebcec9bdc826852857ab412fbe2
REDIRECT_URL The callback URL specified when invoking the authorise call. For our sample application, it is http://localhost:3001/callback
ATTRIBUTES Comma separated list of attributes requested. Possible attributes are listed in the Person object definition in the API specifications.
ENVIRONMENT The environment your application is configured. This can be SANDBOX, TEST or PROD.
TOKEN_URL Specify the TOKEN API URL for MyInfo. The API is available in three environments:
PERSON_URL Specify the TOKEN API URL for MyInfo. The API is available in three environments:
USE_PROXY Indicate the use of proxy url. It can be either Y or N.
PROXY_TOKEN_URL If you are using a proxy url, specify the proxy URL for TOKEN API here.
PROXY_PERSON_URL If you are using a proxy url, specify the proxy URL for PERSON API here.

How to use the connector

1. Get a single instance of MyInfoConnector

Get a single instance of MyInfoConnector and load properties file:

MyInfoConnector connector = MyInfoConnector.getInstance("C:\\");

Once the properties file are loaded, you may retrieve the instance again with the below method:

MyInfoConnector connector = MyInfoConnector.getCurrentInstance();

2. Retrieve person's data

Retrieve person's data by passing the authorisation code and state from the Authorise API call:


txnNo is an optional parameter that can be passed through the overloaded method, if required.


Helper methods

Under the hood, MyInfoConnector make use of MyInfoSecurityHelper and you may use the class as util methods to meet your application needs.

1. Forming the Signature Base String

This method takes in the API call method (GET, POST, etc.), API URL, and all the required parameters into a treemap, sort them and form the base string.

MyInfoSecurityHelper.generateBaseString(method, urlProp, baseParams);

2. Generating the Signature

This method takes in the base string and the private key to sign and generate the signature.

MyInfoSecurityHelper.generateSignature(baseString, privateKey);

3. Assembling the Header

This method takes in all the required parameters into a treemap and assemble the header.


It also provide an overloaded method that takes in the bearer token, if required.

MyInfoSecurityHelper.generateAuthorizationHeader(authHeaderParams, bearer);

4. Decrypting and retrieving the Payload

This method takes in the result from the person API call and the private key to decrypt and retrieve the payload.

MyInfoSecurityHelper.getPayload(result, privateKey);

5. Verify Token

This method takes in the decrypted payload and the public key to verify the token.

MyInfoSecurityHelper.verifyToken(decryptedPayload, pubKey);

Reporting issues

You may contact for any other technical issues, and we will respond to you within 5 working days.


MyInfo Connector (Java)






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