my run uo2.6 project.. some add on mobs and items todo: would like to make a vendor that sells only what he buys or savages/rummages... and uses other coin than gold for sales... having extra powers to seek rares on occasion...
starting myrunuo this was to connect:
i made these changes to allow my client to fix housing bug associated with client relations clientverification.cs
public static void Initialize() { EventSink.ClientVersionReceived += new ClientVersionReceivedHandler( EventSink_ClientVersionReceived );
//ClientVersion.Required = null;
//Required = new ClientVersion( "" );
this tells the script where to find the data associated with the server datapath.cs
private static string CustomPath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts";
this is to allow you to connect to your servers ip address serverlist.cs
public static readonly string Address = "your ip address here"; public static readonly string ServerName = "your server name here";
public static readonly bool AutoDetect = true;