An All-Around Protection Script for Eggdrops
This Eggdrop script was first conceived some time around 2005 and has since developed into the ultimate public/private/ircnet protection script. Given that I'm no longer actively manintaining it, I've decided to move it to my Github page to facilitate contributions by other developers.
- text floods (action or msg)
- repeat floods
- notice floods
- codes/caps floods
- ads, bad words, and private spam (including part messages)
- bad nicks/idents (on join and change)
- join floods
- revolving door (fly-bys)
- nick floods
- random nicks ban (drones)
- takeovers (mass deop/ban/kick)
- channel limit
- ctcp/ctcr floods
- part msg floods
- clones
- bad channels
- excess channels
- bad CTCP-replies
- Anti-spam bot (cycler)
- mass text floods.
- mass notice floods.
- mass ctcp/ctcr floods.
- mass join floods.
- mass revolving door floods.
- mass part msg floods.
- mass nick floods.
- mass codes floods.
- Private text floods.
- Private notice floods.
- Private ctcp/ctcr floods.
Settings are highly configurable, giving the ability to specify different punishment modes (warn/kick/ban) as well as apply channel-specifc settings.
# 0: Neither voices nor halfops are exempted from punishment
# 1: Voices are exempted from punishment
# 2: Halfops are exempted from punishment
# 3: Both halfops and voices are exempted from punishment
Users with +f and +mo flags are exempted by default from any punishment.
# v: Void - do nothing
# w: Warn offender
# k: Kick offender
# b: Ban offender
# kb: Kick + Ban offender
# bk: Ban + Kick offender
# kl: KLine offender
# kil: Kill offender
## You can use them like this for example:
# w:k:kb
# this means, first Warn then Kick then Kickban. (if offence is repeated ofcourse)
## these steps will be triggered if the offences happend during <pwait> seconds.
# NOTE: These methods are not applicable on all flood types. I only applied this
# feature on the flood types I think they're needed.
Details are provided inside the script.
Discussion about the script (as well the history of its development):