Robinhoops is a clone built with Rails and React/Redux that allows users to invest in the top NBA athletes.
Athletes' prices are updated every few seconds based on their stats and recent overall Twitter sentiment.
Credit to sentimental gem Robinhoops scrapes Twitter for recent tweets and then maps each word and assigns an overall score based on each tweet.
Using Nokogiri and HTTParty
def self.scrape_tweeter(athlete_name)
names = athlete_name.split(" ")
firstName = names[0]
lastName = names[1]
url = "" + lastName + "%20" + firstName + "&src=typd"
unparsed_page = HTTParty.get(url)
parsed_page = Nokogiri::HTML(unparsed_page)
tweetDivs = parsed_page.css('div.tweet')
scrappedTweets = []
tweetDivs.each do |div|
tweetBody = div.css('p.TweetTextSize.js-tweet-text.tweet-text').text
tweetUsername = div.css("span.username").text
tweetTimestamp = div.css("span._timestamp").text
scrappedTweets.push({tweetBody: tweetBody, tweetUsername: tweetUsername, time_created: tweetTimestamp})
return $analyzer.score scrappedTweets
All new users receive $2000.00 and a free stock/athlete.
To be really specific, Robinhoops creates a new user and then store snapshots of portfolio value and twitter sentiment every 20 seconds. These data points are then used to graph stock and user portfolio value volatility. An athlete's price will only fluctuate if users on trading that specific stock.
First, install bundles
$ bundle install
Install node dependencies
$ npm install
Start local rails server
$ rails server
The following packages/libraries were used in the development of