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Sirportly Ruby API

This library allows you to interact with your Sirportly data using a simple to use Ruby interface.

This library is still under development and will change considerably over the next few releases as new functionality is added.


To install the library, you just need to install the Gem.

[sudo] gem install sirportly

If you have a Gemfile, you can just include sirportly in this and run bundle install.

Setting up a Sirportly Client

All requests to API are made through a Sirportly::Client instance which must be initialised using your API token & secret as shown below. Once this has been initialised, you can use it to access your database.

sirportly ='the_token', 'the_secret')

If you have been provided with an application token to use with user-based authentication you can set this as follows:

Sirportly.application = 'your_application_token'

Custom Domains

If you are using a custom installation of Sirportly, you can set the domain as follows:

Sirportly.domain = ""

Creating a ticket

You can create tickets within your Sirportly system with a few commands. It's important to note that creating a new ticket is a two step process - firstly, you need to create a Ticket record and then you need to post your initial update using the post_update method on your newly created ticket.

# Create the skeleton ticket
properties = {
  :brand => 'Sirportly',
  :department => 'Sales',
  :status => 'New',
  :priority => 'Normal',
  :subject => 'A new sales enquiry',
  :name => 'My New Customer',
  :email => ''
ticket = sirportly.create_ticket(properties)    #=> A Sirportly::Ticket instance

# Now add the first update to this ticket
update = ticket.post_update(:message => "I would like some more info about your product", :customer => ticket.customer)

If an error occurs, you will receive a Sirportly::Errors::ValidationError exception. There are many other properties which can be passed to the create_ticket method which are not documented here. Take a look at the API documentation for more information about the options available.

Accessing Tickets

You can access ticket information directly through the Ruby interface.                   #=> A set of all tickets (paginated)
sirportly.ticket('AB-123123')       #=> Returns a Sirportly::Ticket object for the passed reference
sirportly.ticket_search('example')  #=> A set of all tickets matching 'example' from the search

You can also access tickets through filter objects.

filter = sirportly.filters.first    #=> A Sirportly::Filter object                      #=> A Sirportly::DataSet of objects (paginated) => 2)          #=> The second page of tickets => 'adam')     #=> The tickets as if being accessed by 'adam'

Changing ticket properties

If you wish to change properties of a ticket, you can use the update method. This method behaves exactly the same as the corresponding API method and further details can be found in the documentation. You can pass strings, IDs or Sirportly::DataObject objects as values.

ticket = sirportly.ticket('AB-123123')

# Change a ticket status
ticket.update(:status => "waiting for staff")

# Change a ticket priority
ticket.update(:priority => "low")

# Change multiple attributes
ticket.update(:team => "1st line support", :user => "dave")

Once an update has been carried out, the original ticket object will be updated to include the new properties.

Posting updates to tickets

Posting updates to tickets is a simple affair and the post_update method on a Sirportly::Ticket will accept the same parameters as defined in the documentation.

As you will see from the examples below, you can pass a Sirportly::User instance to user and a Sirportly::Customer instance to customer although strings are perfectly acceptable too.

The post_update method will return a Sirportly::TicketUpdate instance and the new update will be added to the updates array on the original ticket.

ticket = sirportly.ticket('AB-123123')

# To post a system message without a user
ticket.post_update(:message => "My Example Message")

# To post an update as the ticket customer
ticket.post_update(:message => "My Example Message", :customer => ticket.customer)

# To post an update as a user
user = sirportly.user('adam')
ticket.post_update(:message => "My Example Message", :user => user)

# To post an update and e-mail it to the customer
ticket.post_update(:message => "My Example", :user => 'adam', :outbound_address => '')

# To post a private update as a user
ticket.post_update(:message => "Private Msg", :private => true, :user => 'charlie')

Executing Macros

If you wish to execute one of your macros on a ticket, you can use the run_macro method which accepts the ID or name of the macro you wish to execute. If executed successfully, it will return true and the original ticket properties will be updated. If it fails, an exception will be raised or the method will return false.

ticket = sirportly.ticket('AB-123123')
ticket.run_macro('Mark as waiting for staff')

Adding follow ups

Adding to follow ups to tickets can be achieved by executing the add_follow_up method on a Sirportly::Ticket instance.

ticket = sirportly.ticket('AB-123123')
ticket.add_follow_up(:actor => 'adam', :status => 'resolved', :run_at => '2 days from now') #=> true

The run_at attribute should be a timestamp as outlined on our date/time formatting page in the API documentation.

Creating a user

You can create users (staff members) via the API.

user_properties = {
  :first_name    => 'John',
  :last_name     => 'Particle',
  :email_address => '',
  :admin_access  => true

user = sirportly.create_user(user_properties)  #=> A Sirportly::User instance

There are other attributes available, which can be viewed on the API docs.

You do not need to create individual customers. These are created automatically on ticket and ticket update creation.

Knowledge Bases

Knowledge bases hold static pages of information.

# Get all knowledge bases
=> {"id"=>47, "name"=>"Test", "format"=>"markdown", "all_teams"=>true}

# Or by individually by ID
=> #<Sirportly::KnowledgeBase:0x007fb8a390a7c8>

If fetched individually, a knowledge base object contains all the pages belonging to the knowledge base.

knowledge_bases = sirportly.knowledge_bases.first
kb_with_pages = sirportly.knowledge_base(knowledge_bases.first.attributes['id'])

Knowledge Base Pages

A page object contains an array of child pages.

kb = sirportly.knowledge_base(kb_id)
kb.tree                           #=> Array of KnowledgeBasePage objects
page ='path/to/page')    #=> A KnowledgeBasePage object
page.children                     #=> Array of KnowledgeBasePage objects 

The API does not support knowledge base creation, but it does support create page creation.

kb = sirportly.knowledge_bases.first
kb.create_page(:title => 'My Title', :content => 'Content here')  #=> #<Sirportly::Page:0x007ff233970d88>

TODO: Child page creation.

Accessing Static Data Objects

The Sirportly API provides access to all the data objects stored in your Sirportly database. At the current time, these cannot be edited through the API.

sirportly.statuses                  #=> Set of all statuses as Sirportly::Status objects
sirportly.priorities.first          #=> A Sirportly::Priority object for the first record

sirportly.brands.first.departments  #=> Array of Sirportly::Department objects

sirportly.user('adam')              #=> Returns a Sirportly::User object
sirportly.customer('Dave Smith')    #=> Returns a Sirportly::Customer object

You can access the following objects using this method: brands, departments, escalation_paths, filters, priorities, slas, statuses, teams and users.


Some results from the API are paginated as outlined below. By default, it will always return the first page.

users = sirportly.users(:page => 1)

users.each do |user|
  user.is_a?(Sirportly::User)     #=> true
  user.full_name                  #=> "Adam Cooke"
  user.teams                      #=> Array of Sirportly::Team objects           #=> "First Line Support"
end              #=> 1
users.total_records     #=> 35
users.pages             #=> 2
users.offset            #=> 0

If a result set is not paginated, the methods outlined above will be nil. Pagination will only occur at the top level of results and does not happen on arrays within objects.

Executing SPQL queries

Sirportly includes a powerful query language called SPQL (SirPortly Query Language) which allows you to query your ticket data through the API. This is primarily used to generate reports however can also be used to return data for your own purposes.

query = sirportly.spql('SELECT COUNT, FROM tickets GROUP BY')
query.fields          #=> ["COUNT", ""]
query.results         #=> [[123, "Appli"], [456, "aTech Media"], [789, "aTech Telecoms"], [123, "Sirportly"]]
query.query           #=> "SELECT COUNT, FROM tickets GROUP BY"
query.class.to_s      #=> Sirportly::SPQLQuery

If you execute a query which is invalid, a Sirportly::Errors::ValidationError will be raised with some information about the error.

query = sirportly.spql('SELECT COUNT FROM non_existent_table')
Sirportly::Errors::ValidationError: ["Invalid FROM table specified"]


Ruby Library to use with the Sirportly API







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