A Clojure library which is a proof of concept for a flow of control construct that works like clojure.core/if but which permits one to break out of the if.
You should structure your code differently instead of using this proof of concept. This is a bad idea.
One thing that works particularly well with if is that it returns a value and iffy will do the same. The final value of a then-body or else-body will normally be the return value of iffy. If you call iffy-break without a value then iffy will return nil. If you call iffy-break with a value, that value will become the value returned by iffy.
This should allow functions inside the then-body or else-body also to interrupt the flow of control in a calling function which I find very disturbing. This unwholesome feature would make tracing through code and deeply understanding it very complex.
(require '[breakable-if.core :refer :all])
(iffy true 1 0)
=> 1
(iffy false 1 0)
=> 0
(iffy true
(println "before")
(println "woo")
=> nil
(iffy true
(println "before")
(iffy-break 99)
(println "woo")
=> 99
It's free, no copyright. Take it if you want. I accept no liability if you do.