Clone the Repository.
git clone
Install Dependencies.
npm i
Make sure you have typescript installed.
npm install typescript --save-dev
There are env files and keys that are required for the project to run properly.
Collects data about the user to update their club attendance for the day.
PATCH /updateAttendance
Request Body Format
interface attendanceData {
club_name: string;
uuid: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
email: string;
position: string;
grade: number;
off_class: string;
num_attendance: number;
Sample Request
"club_name": "3D Printing Club",
"uuid": "116007774216187700433",
"first_name": "First_name",
"last_name": "Last_name",
"email": "",
"position": "admin",
"grade": 12,
"off_class": "12g",
"num_attendance": 2
Make sure the UUID is a valid UID string from the User Attendance Sheet
Returns information about a specific club.
PATCH /updateQRCode
Requests Body
"club_name" = String
Make sure the Club name matches an existing Club
GET /getClubData
Request Body Format
interface clubData {
clubName: string;
clubAdivsor: string;
clubPresident: string;
frequency: string;
day: string;
room: string;
advisorEmail: string;
presidentEmail: string;
nextMeeting: string;
Sample Request
"clubName": "3D Printing Club",
"clubAdvisor": "Mr. Whalen",
"clubPresident": "Edwin Zhou",
"frequency": "Every Week",
"day": "Friday",
"room": "259",
"advisorEmail": "",
"presidentEmail": "",
"nextMeeting": "10/12/2023"
Search for SpreadSheet data for a specific club.
GET /getClubMeta
Request Body Format
interface clubMeta {
clubName: string;
advisorEmail: string;
presidentEmail: string;
nextMeeting: string;
qrCode: string;
clubFolderId: string;
clubSpreadsheet: string;
clubPhotoFolderId: string;
clubCode: string;
Sample Request
"clubName": "3D Printing Club",
"advisorEmail": "",
"presidentEmail": "",
"nextMeeting": "11/12/2023",
"qrCode": "",
"clubFolderId": "",
"clubSpreadsheet": "",
"clubPhotoFolderId": "",
"clubCode": ""
Sets the requirements for any uploads that are going to be uploaded.
Requires the image to be jpg, jpeg, or png
fileFilter(req, file, cb) {
if (!file.originalname.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$/)) {
return cb(new Error("Please upload a jpg, jpeg or png only"));
cb(null, true);
This code runs one time to initialize the new worksheet where all the user data will be stored.
These header values will be automatically set on the worksheet when it's created.
"First Name",
"Last Name",
"Client Authority",
"Official Class",
"Email Domain",
"Club Data",
"Present Location",
This just styles the headers so it stands out.
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
const cell = sheet.getCell(0, i);
cell.textFormat = { bold: true };
The last part saves the changes to sheet.
await sheet.saveUpdatedCells();
Used to verify that the user is an Admin.
const admin = userRows.filter(
(user) =>
user.get("Client Authority") === "admin" &&
user.get("Email") ===
If the user is an admin, it will return a value of 1. If not, it will send a message that they're not an admin.
if (admin.length === 0) {
res.json({ message: "You are not an admin!" });
} else {
return next();
Gets the folder ID for the club
let result = await service.files
q: `'${process.env.CLUB_ATTENDANCE_FOLDER_ID}' in parents`,
fields: "nextPageToken, files(id, name)",
spaces: "drive",
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
Uploads the image as a new file in the selected folder for the club
const img = await service.files.create({
requestBody: {
name: file.originalname,
parents: [`${photoFolderId}`],
media: {
mimeType: file.mimetype,
body: Readable.from([file.buffer]),