- Live: https://blog-portfolio.herokuapp.com/
- Developed By Django Web Framework.
Some commands may differ depending on OS. Just google it.
Install latest version of Python3 (64 bit).
Install virtual environment:
- Open cmd
- :~$ pip install virtualenv
- Choose destination: :~$ cd Desktop> virtualenv YourEnvironmentName
Clone this GitHub repository into local machine.
Go to project directory (GitHub repository) where 'manage.py' file exist.
Copy 'YourEnvironmentName' folder to the 'GitHub repository'.
Active virtual environment:
- :~$ cd YourEnvironmentName\Scripts>
- :~$ activate
- (YourEnvironmentName):~$ This '(YourEnvironmentName)' sign will be shown up if virtual environment activated successfully.
- :~$ cd../.. (exit from Scripts)
Install all the requirements using previously opened CMD where the virtual environment was activated:
(YourEnvironmentName):~$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Local Server:
(YourEnvironmentName):~$ python manage.py runserver
- System Admin Dashboard: (default)
- Homepage:
- Portfolios: https://blog-portfolio.herokuapp.com/portfolio/siyam/