The following files contains a demostration video content to show the workings the designed smart-meter. The code was developed using atmel-studio for "atmega16/32".
To rebuild the code "main.c" the keypad (keypad.h and keypad.c ) files must be included in the project folder. The file "TESTING.pdsprj" is the simulation ran from "proteus".
The list of software used:
1. Atmel Studio 7
2. Proteus 8 Professional.
To run the project on your PC. please follow these below steps:
1. Download the files from the this hub.
2. Create "Smart-meter" folder and place the files downloaded in the created folder.
3. Open "Atmel 7", and Protues 8 professional.
3. on Atmel 7 **create** a new project, and choose a package **"atmega16/32".**
4. Build/Compile the code. which will yeild "main.hex" file.
5. Now on **Protues 8** open "TESTING.pdsprj" only version from 8 and above is compatible to open the **pdsprj** file.
6. use the **main.hex** file to sort of progamm the chip on **Proteus**.
7. Run the simulations and wala the it work.
Disclaimer ======================== [THE CODE IS WITH IT OWN GLITCHES]======================================