$ heroku login
$ heroku create
Open a
Create a new database
# CREATE DATABASE your_db_name;
Create a new user
# CREATE USER your_user_name WITH PASSWORD 'your_user_password';
Change the owner of the new database to the new user
# ALTER DATABASE your_db_name OWNER TO your_user_name;
Open a terminal prompt
Set the
environment variable to store the database connection information (note: this includes credentials).$ export DATABASE_URL="host=localhost dbname=your_db_name user=your_user_name password=your_user_password"
Provision the Heroku Postgres add-on, this will set the
environment variable.$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
$ pipenv install
install dependency graph$ pipenv shell
activate project's virtualenv$ make local
run web app locally
$ make deploy
git push branchmaster
to remoteheroku
$ make start
start service$ make stop
stop service$ heroku logs --tail
view logs
- Initialize the service
. One admin user is created with user idadmin
and passwordpassword
. - Change the default admin password
- Refresh admin auth token
- Add a user
- Add a number
- Add the user to the number
- Get next number
See Postman collection for more detail and complete list of endpoints.
environment variable to store the database connection information (note: this includes credentials).
$ make test
run tests$ make testcov
run tests and generate coverage report
Apache License 2.0