Releases: sjefferson99/enviro
Releases · sjefferson99/enviro
SJ-Enviro v1.0.1
What's Changed
- Patch secondary destination parsing by @sjefferson99 in #4
- Bumped version number by @sjefferson99 in #5
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
SJ-Enviro v1.0.0
Fork of the Pimoroni enviro repo containing all my PRs to date:
- Sea level pressure - converts measured pressure to mean sea level adjusted pressure for compatibility with Met office standard weather stations
- Wind direction improvements - Code from ZodiusInfuser on issue 114 in the Pimoroni repo - Increase wind direction precision to 16 point from 8 points, remove unnecessary loops and add a wind direction offset option in config as this changes the physical orientation by 180 degrees for installations that can't be easily adjusted
- Adds USB linear temperature offset option for a weather board running on USB power based on code from issue 142 in the Pimoroni repo
- Adds a config option for linear temperature offset for a weather board running on the battery connector (Battery power tends to create a different board heating profile to USB power)
- Improved documentation on adding custom datapoints and sensors
- Added a framework for adding new QW/ST connected sensor and module file instead of adding potentially large amounts of ad hoc code to for handling that sensor board
- Added BME688 module using above framework for monitoring temperature and returns raw values for temperature, pressure, humidity and gas.
- Added rain per hour and per day (day cut off based on specified local time midnight, but reported in UTC) calculations and returned as new measurements to support destinations such as Weather Underground that want this data submitted
- Added Weather Underground destination (requires manual configuration, this is not in the provisioning wizard)
- Quick and dirty secondary destination upload with no retries if primary is successful. I used this for adding the BME688 readings to my InfluxDB for offset comparisons with primary data reliably being sent to Weather Underground
- Improvements to the WIFI module handling that were provided by another user on issue 173 in the Pimoroni repo - This fixes a number of stability issues where the board would stop responding and hang after a number of hours or days depending on upload frequency
These have all been running on my weather board for several months without issue.