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Containers which provide an Interactive Shell

The following containers can be deployed in a kubernetes cluster for troubleshooting and debugging.

These containers are tested on:

In each case a <prefix>-deployment.yaml file is provided which can be applied using:

  • OpenShift oc apply -f <prefix>-deployment.yaml, see SCC Constraints
  • Minikube/Kubernetes kubectl apply -f <prefix>-deployment.yaml

Red Hat OpenShift has an extra security level constraints, see SCC Constraints, compared to minikube.

RHEL UBI deployments

BusyBox deployment


Provides a non-root Bash Shell based on RHEL UBI-8 with the following additional packages:

  • nmap-ncat, bind-utils, iputils, ip packages and a preconfigured sudo

Interactive Bash Shell

The RHEL UBI-8 image includes:

  • sudoers: with: 'soma ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'
  • nmap-ncat: nc, ncat
  • bind-utils: nslookup, dig, host, nsupdate, arpaname
  • iputils: ping, tracepath; /usr/sbin/: arping, ping[6], tracepath[6]
  • ip: link, address, route, rule, neigh, maddress, monitor etc.



The following are generated using: to avoid CR/LF issues when building on non-Linux systems.

  • bashrc: /home/soma/.bashrc
  • bash_profile: /home/soma/.bash_profile
  • motd: /etc/motd, /etc/
  • soma: /etc/sudoers.d/soma


One-off invocation

# Openshift Container Platform - add all authenticated users to SCC group policy 'anyuid' 
kubeadmin$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated --namespace="<project>"

developer$ oc debug --tty --image # -or- 
developer$ oc run soma-pod --rm -i --tty --image
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
[soma@soma-pod ~]$ cat /etc/motd
#         WARNING: Unauthorized access to this system is forbidden!          #
#                All connections are monitored and recorded.                 #
#         Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are not an authorized user!          #
#                                                                            #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Idea stolen from: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley                         #
# SOMA: numbs any sort of discomfort, anxiety, stress and general uneasiness #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# sudoers: soma ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL                                       #
# nmap-ncat: nc, ncat                                                        #
# bind-utils: nslookup, dig, host, nsupdate, arpaname                        #
# iputils: ping, tracepath; /usr/sbin/: arping, ping[6], tracepath[6]        #
# ip: link, address, route, rule, neigh, maddress, monitor etc.              #

[soma@soma-pod ~]$ sudo -l
User soma may run the following commands on <pod-name>:

[soma@soma-pod ~]$ exit
Session ended, resume using 'oc attach soma-pod -c soma-pod -i -t' command when the pod is running
pod "soma-pod" deleted

# Openshift Container Platform - remove all authenticated users from SCC group policy 'anyuid'
kubeadmin$ oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group anyuid system:authenticated --namespace="<project>"
$ kubectl debug --tty --image # -or- 
$ kubectl run soma-pod --rm -i --tty --image
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
[soma@soma-pod ~]$ cat /etc/motd
#         WARNING: Unauthorized access to this system is forbidden!          #
#                All connections are monitored and recorded.                 #
#         Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are not an authorized user!          #
#                                                                            #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Idea stolen from: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley                         #
# SOMA: numbs any sort of discomfort, anxiety, stress and general uneasiness #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# sudoers: soma ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL                                       #
# nmap-ncat: nc, ncat                                                        #
# bind-utils: nslookup, dig, host, nsupdate, arpaname                        #
# iputils: ping, tracepath; /usr/sbin/: arping, ping[6], tracepath[6]        #
# ip: link, address, route, rule, neigh, maddress, monitor etc.              #

[soma@soma-pod ~]$ sudo -l
User soma may run the following commands on <pod-name>:

[soma@soma-pod ~]$ exit
Session ended, resume using 'kubectl attach soma-pod -c soma-pod -i -t' command when the pod is running
pod "soma-pod" deleted

Deploying to a Kubernetes cluster

kubeadmin$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated --namespace="<project>"
developer$ oc apply -f soma-cli-deployment.yaml
developer$ oc get pods

developer$ oc exec --stdin --tty pod/<pod-name> -- bash --login
[soma@<pod-name> ~]$ id 
uid=1001(soma) gid=1001(soma) groups=1001(soma),10(wheel)
[soma@<pod-name> ~]$ exit

developer$ oc delete deployment.apps/soma-cli-deployment
kubeadmin$ oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group anyuid system:authenticated --namespace="<project>"
$ kubectl apply -f soma-cli-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl get pods

$ kubectl exec --stdin --tty pod/<pod-name> -- bash --login
[soma@<pod-name> ~]$ id 
uid=1001(soma) gid=1001(soma) groups=1001(soma),10(wheel)
[soma@<pod-name> ~]$ exit

$ kubectl delete deployment.apps/soma-cli-deployment

Testing using Docker or podman

$ docker pull
$ docker run -it --name lazy-dog
# Docker assumes the prefix, so the following also works
$ docker pull sjfke/rhel-ubi8-soma:8.6
$ docker run -it --name lazy-dog sjfke/rhel-ubi8-soma:8.6

# For containers the <> prefix MUST BE supplied. 
$ podman pull
$ podman run -it --name lazy-dog sjfke/rhel-ubi8-soma:8.7

$ docker pull
$ docker run -it --name lazy-dog

#         WARNING: Unauthorized access to this system is forbidden!          #
#                All connections are monitored and recorded.                 #
#         Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are not an authorized user!          #
#                                                                            #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Idea stolen from: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley                         #
# SOMA: numbs any sort of discomfort, anxiety, stress and general uneasiness #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# sudoers: soma ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL                                       #
# nmap-ncat: nc, ncat                                                        #
# bind-utils: nslookup, dig, host, nsupdate, arpaname                        #
# iputils: ping, tracepath; /usr/sbin/: arping, ping[6], tracepath[6]        #

[soma@32159e02715f ~]$ sudo -l
User soma may run the following commands on 32159e02715f:

[soma@32159e02715f ~]$ exit

SCC Constraints

The OpenShift Container Platform, has an additional set of Security Context Constraints (SCC), which control the actions a pod can perform and what it has the ability to access, as shown below, with restricted being the default.

To ensure the application will deploy and run, it is necessary to ensure the serviceaccount of the application which is assigned to the correct SCC policy.

All containers are governed SELINUX and have restrictions on RUNASUSER, for example the MustRunAsRange enforces the range 1000660000 -to- 1000669999 for the UNIX UID value.

kubeadmin$ oc get scc
NAME                              PRIV    CAPS                   SELINUX     RUNASUSER          FSGROUP     SUPGROUP    PRIORITY     READONLYROOTFS   VOLUMES
anyuid                            false   <no value>             MustRunAs   RunAsAny           RunAsAny    RunAsAny    10           false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]
hostaccess                        false   <no value>             MustRunAs   MustRunAsRange     MustRunAs   RunAsAny    <no value>   false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","hostPath","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]
hostmount-anyuid                  false   <no value>             MustRunAs   RunAsAny           RunAsAny    RunAsAny    <no value>   false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","hostPath","nfs","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]
hostnetwork                       false   <no value>             MustRunAs   MustRunAsRange     MustRunAs   MustRunAs   <no value>   false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]
hostnetwork-v2                    false   ["NET_BIND_SERVICE"]   MustRunAs   MustRunAsRange     MustRunAs   MustRunAs   <no value>   false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]
machine-api-termination-handler   false   <no value>             MustRunAs   RunAsAny           MustRunAs   MustRunAs   <no value>   false            ["downwardAPI","hostPath"]
nonroot                           false   <no value>             MustRunAs   MustRunAsNonRoot   RunAsAny    RunAsAny    <no value>   false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]
nonroot-v2                        false   ["NET_BIND_SERVICE"]   MustRunAs   MustRunAsNonRoot   RunAsAny    RunAsAny    <no value>   false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]
privileged                        true    ["*"]                  RunAsAny    RunAsAny           RunAsAny    RunAsAny    <no value>   false            ["*"]
restricted                        false   <no value>             MustRunAs   MustRunAsRange     MustRunAs   RunAsAny    <no value>   false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]
restricted-v2                     false   ["NET_BIND_SERVICE"]   MustRunAs   MustRunAsRange     MustRunAs   RunAsAny    <no value>   false            ["configMap","downwardAPI","emptyDir","persistentVolumeClaim","projected","secret"]

If the deployment fails, it may be possible to determine what SCC is required using:

kubeadmin$ oc get pods
kubeadmin$ oc get pod <pod-name> -o yaml | oc adm scc-subject-review -f - # reading from STDIN '-'

The official way to handle the SCC Constraints is:

  • Create a serviceaccount
  • Add serviceaccount to the correct oc adm policy, most likely anyuid
  • Update or patch the deployment to use the serviceaccount
kubeadmin$ oc create serviceaccount sa-anyuid
kubeadmin$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z sa-anyuid
developer$ oc set serviceaccount deployment/<app-name> sa-anyuid

A simpler approach, which whilst only documented for OpenShift 3.11 and still works in later releases, is to assign all authenticated users to anyuid, as described in USER in the Dockerfile.

# Cluster-wide
kubeadmin$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated      # add all authenticated users
kubeadmin$ oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group anyuid system:authenticated # remove all authenticated users

# Project-scoped
kubeadmin$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:authenticated --namespace="<project>"
kubeadmin$ oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group anyuid system:authenticated --namespace="<project>"

The following BLOG post A Guide to OpenShift and UIDs provides a more detailed explanation.


Kubernetes containers providing an interactive shell







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