A collection of bricks I have been experimenting with to speed up development
Brick | Description | Version |
scaffolding | A brick to create your model with properties and all the supporting methods, copyWith, to/from json, equatable and more! | 0.0.1 |
scaffolding-test | A brick to create multiple models including their properties and all the supporting methods/extensions! | 0.0.1 |
scaffolding-home | A brick to create a feature using best practices and your state management of choice! | 0.0.1 |
scaffolding-home-test | A brick to create your UI package that holds all your app's Colors, Typography, Layout, Theme, and more! | 0.0.1 |
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- Thanks to Felix Angelov for creating the implementations of bloc and mason.
- Thanks for Luke Moody as I borrowed his structure and some content for this repo