6.1.3 (2018-10-01)
- database: pagination counts query must use the subQuery of extended query builder (b613b64), closes #378
- database: run database.raw on global transaction if exists (a51ebe1), closes #374
- model: merge dirty attributes after the hooks have been called (6bff452)
- model: use lodash isEqual to check if a model is dirty (#384) (88fe6ea)
- query: prefix table name to avoid ambiguous columns (55fffb9)
- commands: allow seeding db from migration run and refresh (23dc3eb)
- transaction: add support for transactions in findOrCreate (1e7b2a8)
6.1.2 (2018-08-24)
- relationship: add last method (24df5eb)
6.1.1 (2018-08-10)
- dbtrait: ensure await when rolling back transactions (8813187)
6.1.0 (2018-08-09)
- querybuilder: capture firstOrFail inside relationships (6a5e0e7)
- querybuilder: To avoid false negatives inside queries, Querybuilder forces to resolve the query
using one of it's inbuilt methods. If
is triggered inside the prox, an exception will be raised
6.0.1 (2018-07-21)
- belongsToMany: make sure to scope query when fetching ids (faf89c4)
- migration: remove fallback added for precision timestamp (f5a6b33), closes #916
6.0.0 (2018-07-18)
- database: apply precision only when mysql (c0b0aa0)
- database: fix fn.now to accept precision (cae6df7)
- lucid: make bulk operations reliable by executing in sequence (acb6ce7)
- paginate: Database paginate cast page, perPage to numbers (7eb7201)
6.0.0 (2018-07-18)
- database: apply precision only when mysql (c0b0aa0)
- database: fix fn.now to accept precision (cae6df7)
- lucid: make bulk operations reliable by executing in sequence (acb6ce7)
- paginate: Database paginate cast page, perPage to numbers (7eb7201)
5.0.4 (2018-06-02)
- migrations: add keep-alive flag (88423f9)
5.0.3 (2018-02-23)
5.0.2 (2018-02-09)
5.0.1 (2018-02-07)
5.0.0 (2018-01-31)
- belongsToMany: apply pivotModel global scopes when defined (4de8b0f), closes #261
- lucid: format dates on newly create instance (69a8da6), closes #245
- schema: fix issue around chaining
(f03c6b7), closes #282 - tests: fix breaking tests in mysql & pg (a59326c)
- lucid: If you have accessed the date properties directly on the model instance, then they will be string over moment instance now
4.1.3 (2018-01-21)
- config: add sample config file inside config dir (c62bd5d)
- schema: add schedule method to run arbitrary db commands (fd225d8), closes #53
4.1.2 (2018-01-08)
- use Array.isArray of instanceof (892208b), closes #262
- belongstomany: add transaction support to attach,detach & sync (d6fa6aa), closes #244
- belongsToMany: pick value of define key over primaryKeyValue (7116c2b), closes #246
- belongsToMany: pivotModel should allow class and ioc container string (80fc99c), closes #254
- database: database.close should remove connection on close (874268a)
- eagerloading: fetch all nested relations (#273) (1a796cd)
- querybuilder: apply scopes for all query methods (97bd2c3)
- querybuilder: where closure should have model qb scope (d52aa8d), closes #267
- queryscopes: ensure query scopes are called with relations too (4d25fcc), closes #261
- relations: only ignore undefined and null values (1f852be), closes #272
- schema: add withSchema method to the schema builder (5703a7c)
- serializer: resolve serializer return string via ioc container (484a6c1), closes #268
- whereRaw: where raw formatter dot notated fields (c7df200), closes #252
- lucid: allow to unfreeze model instance (#266) (1cacc58)
- seed: auto close db on when seeder finishes (edd7640)
4.1.1 (2017-12-12)
4.1.0 (2017-12-07)
- eagerloading: eagerloading with .first should behave same as .fetch (9bcb09d)
- addHook: accept an array of hooks too (6abaa6a)
- addHook: return this to keep api chainable (b5a9ef9)
- belongstomany: add sync method (eea84ad)
4.0.25 (2017-12-06)
4.0.24 (2017-11-22)
- lucid: on save retain timestamps inside memory (4f0c035), closes #235
- relations: changed method _normalizeRelations (b085f8a)
- relations: parse relations array (3cea702)
- test: remove followers table on tear down (fe69ed2)
- tests: test fixes for postgresql (27ac971)
- database: add aggregation helpers (10023f7)
- lucid: add afterPaginate hook (f12d8a5), closes #236
- lucid: add Model.truncate() function (#240) (9be15a9)
- migrations: introduce a silent flag to silent the output (c16abb8)
- query-builder: add last method (#232) (01a6fa7)
4.0.23 (2017-11-13)
- serializer: add nth method to pull row for specific index (e578eeb)
4.0.22 (2017-11-08)
- belongsToMany: do not select all fields for aggregates (5e58e38), closes #216
- schema: this.raw should reference this.schema.raw (dcfc265), closes #212
- belongsToMany: add countDistinct method (#224) (26cca0e)
- traits: allow user to pass options to
4.0.21 (2017-10-29)
- database: add database.transaction method (56695d7), closes #184
- factory: await dataCallback to get results (045d587)
- factory: pass index to create/make many (9cc69aa), closes #195
- schema: add alias to createTableIfNotExists (#190) (1ce3d72)
- seed: seed only js files (#186) (0496411)
- seed: typo in seed command (#193) (d99ec4f)
- extension: add extension methods to schema (71fb268)
- lucid: add merge method to model instance (#188) (ab31b4c)
4.0.20 (2017-10-03)
- migrations: use hasTable and createTable (f12d51b), closes #172
- schema: raw method should be knex.raw (8cae109), closes #181
4.0.19 (2017-10-01)
- migration: make table when getting migration status (ac33a52)
- migration:status: set batch to empty string over null (7ebca55)
- migration:status: Closes #180
4.0.18 (2017-09-25)
- eagerloading: allow custom fn for eagerload query (da1b71e)
4.0.17 (2017-09-08)
- belongsTo: ignore null bindings when eagerloading (c3b5da3)
- lucid: add findOrCreate & findOrNew methods (cd6041d)
4.0.16 (2017-08-30)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.1 (#166) (51965df)
- trait: add await to beginGlobalTransaction (8280e55)
- factory: add faker methods for username & password (1333862)
4.0.15 (2017-08-22)
- validation: add unique validation rule for validator (74a9a3e)
4.0.14 (2017-08-22)
- hooks: add afterFetch hook (941986e)
4.0.13 (2017-08-18)
- model: allow query level fields filtering (8fc559d)
- relations: add andWherePivot in belongs to many (e0f0c6a)
- traits: add database transactions trait (bd4c8bb)
4.0.12 (2017-08-16)
- relations: relation parser set nested relations on demand (48bdbba)
- relations: resolve relation ioc binding before hand (713b55f), closes #161
4.0.11 (2017-08-15)
- database: database.on bind events on knex and not query (948d05b)
- lucid: call afterFind hook via await keyword (c4de51d)
- package: add missing dependencies (5e7e304)
- commands: add migration:status command (a6bc882)
- lucid: add support for transactions in save operations (687de3c)
4.0.10 (2017-08-05)
- provider: load migration:reset command too (7afdc62)
- exceptions: use generic-exceptions module (d3daecc)
- lucid: add support for model instance reload (87569b1)
4.0.9 (2017-08-02)
- exceptions: use generic-exceptions module (d3daecc)
4.0.8 (2017-08-01)
- test: remove clear require from tests (b120aa4)
- commands: add seed time to seed command (98626f3)
- commands: log migration time next to command (63339fb)
4.0.7 (2017-08-01)
4.0.6 (2017-08-01)
- commands: remove config:database command (0671c56)
4.0.5 (2017-07-30)
- hooks: fix bad validation behavior (1b3a0d5)
- commands: add config:database command (98a318a)
4.0.4 (2017-07-30)
- model: set makePlain getter for ioc container (40b3e85)
- migration: remove migration:make command (0a97527)
4.0.3 (2017-07-17)
- proxy: handle proxy inspection properly (c8ab664)
4.0.2 (2017-07-16)
- providers: register commands inside ioc container (40ce930)
4.0.1 (2017-07-16)
- commands: add make,refresh and reset commands (7d32b74)
- commands: add migration:run command (02fce82)
- commands: implement migration:rollback (6181459)
- commands: close database connection after commands (4ad9402)
- commands: fix comamnds after ace upgrade (82e6060)
- database: close db connection on test suite end (82825dd)
- database: paginate count query to ignore order by (776958c), closes #64
- database: rename pluck to pluckAll (2ef7d54), closes #81
- db:seed: make sure --files accept value (cefb9a9)
- hooks: hooks can be binded as ioc bindings (46498e8)
- hooks: replace .bind with .call (e398848)
- lucid: consider dirty values after beforeHooks (b8614bd), closes #44
- lucid: resolve database from IoC container (7563b8e)
- lucid: use primary key instead of id (ba39a06), closes #51
- lucid:relations: implement delete method to delete relations (97291c9), closes #63
- lucid:relations: keep relation output consistent (0986fc9), closes #45
- migration: ignore prefixing inside migrations (962016c), closes #105
- migrations: add order by clause (fac39bf)
- migrations: allow multiple actions inside a single up/down method #29 (9105c35)
- migrations: expose knex.schema via this.schema (5a93394)
- migrations: fix migrations log output (1571176)
- migrations: make sure schema callback is function before executing (5aa9897), closes #60
- migrations: return migrations class body instead of instance (5e473bf)
- migrations: select column as {name} (7bda1b8), closes #82
- postgres: fix postgres behavior testing for bindings (490e1e2)
- proxies: add harmony-reflect to support old node versions with ES6 proxies (ba9f124)
- query: withCount existing columns r preserved (9cd0683)
- relation: make sure query.first eagerloads (7cc36c3)
- soft-deletes: pairs and ids ignore soft deleted (0530d59), closes #109
- util: filter .js files before requiring them (22b578c), closes #96
- add support for named exceptions (fe26020)
- first draft (e1916ae)
- remove dependency from ioc container (7478cda)
- belongsTo: implement belongsTo relationship (03abc25)
- belongsToMany: implement belongsToMany relationship (79ff193)
- commands: add basic commands for migrations and seeds (6515565)
- commands: add migrations commands (2d9ac8f)
- commands: add status command (dd890d3)
- commands: seed db inside run and refresh command (4c7ec06)
- create: add create method (87b7596)
- database: add support for table prefixing (2557786), closes #58
- database: implement close method (74bdfcd)
- databse: add database and query builder (00f091d)
- factory: add database factory (4a574ea)
- factory: add reset method on model factory (dfde978)
- factory: define model,database blueprints for seeding (092ccbd)
- factory: factory blueprint to accept iteration count and custom values (01aff71)
- hasMany: add create, save method (d0e1534)
- hasOne: add support for create and save (c587c1d)
- hasOne: createMany and saveMany throws verbose exceptions (c2f0b65)
- hooks: add restore hooks support (c8ca6b1)
- lucid: add $parent property on model (1f8a4c5)
- lucid: add aggregates on relationship (d614c96), closes #48
- lucid: add fresh method to grab fresh instance (a1966eb)
- lucid: add ids and pair static methods (2be9839)
- lucid: add incrementing flag (f9f9410), closes #89
- lucid: add new date formatting (172910e)
- lucid: add static methods (ed37c09)
- lucid: add support for firstOrFail (785b5c2)
- lucid: add support for global query scopes (61f9767)
- lucid: add support for local query scopes (4607641)
- lucid: add support for paginate via model (d4dc0bc)
- lucid: add support for pick,pickInverse and paginate (45f7c45)
- lucid: add support for pluckFirst and pluckId (d2200f5)
- lucid: add support for transactions (5c32b3f), closes #43
- lucid: implement find and findBy methods (cff2f7e)
- lucid: implement model basic functionality (1bb531f)
- lucid-model: first draft of model implementation (b4d6851)
- lucid:relations: add createMany and saveMany methods (1e258e4)
- lucid:traits: add support for assigning traits (45d7851)
- migrations: add migrations time in the console output (d19c571), closes #57
- migrations: add status method (8913904)
- migrations: add support for --log flag to log queries to console (d616de8)
- migrations: add support for making db actions (8264de9), closes #53
- migrations: add support for migrations (65622ad)
- migrations,schema: implement schema and migrations (15b2e10)
- model: add support for createMany (1f639d4)
- model: add support for orFail methods (3cf3152)
- model: add support to delete model instance (3994df5)
- model: implement static first and last (84a67e4)
- pluck: make pluck method to select multiple fields (20f804d)
- providers: add providers to adonis fold (6db7d50)
- query: add paginate on model query builder (0ff24e7)
- query: add support for withCount (b87eb40)
- query: filter model results based upon relations (79cb823)
- relation: add associate and dissociate methods (451eea0)
- relation: add detach and delete on belongsToMany (0e26f92)
- relation: add update method to relations (e82b97c)
- relation: basic implementation of belongs to (7e69a19)
- relations: add basic eagerloading support (bc340c5)
- relations: add basic support for belongsToMany (538e0f5)
- relations: add basic support for hasMany (eed5368)
- relations: add basic support for relations (d6a6c93)
- relations: add delete and update on belongsToMany (8e6315c)
- relations: add save,create and attach methods (646d0cb)
- relations: add support for managing pivot table (bafb11f), closes #69
- relations: add support for withTimestamps in belongsToMany (d120ae6), closes #84
- relations: add support to save pivot values during save/create (2e0ad5a)
- relations: filter results based upon relations (6146c2a), closes #92
- relations: hasManyThrough works fine with belongsToMany (4b3380c)
- relations: implement has many through relation (f5ab7ec)
- relations: implement hasManyThrough relationship (2d6b6d1)
- relations: pick selected fields in belongsToMany (3d5a64d)
- relationship: add hasOne relationship (5a3d240)
- schema: add base schema class (10bcf5d)
- schema: add method to execute actions (5cf6c57)
- schema: add support for returning sql statements (89feff9)
- seeds: initiate support for seeds and factories (e51864b)
- tests: add acceptance tests for model (21e4de9)
- traits: add support for traits (bced30d)
- util: add method to pull .js files from a directory (270d265)
- util: isolate lodash instance on collection (1778c19)
- lucid:hooks: resolve hooks when adding (2a39339)
3.0.16 (2017-05-05)
- relation: add update method to relations (6151b78)
3.0.15 (2017-04-09)
- package: update node-exceptions to version 2.0.0 (#111) (38acb47)
- soft-deletes: pairs and ids ignore soft deleted (c394950), closes #109
3.0.14 (2017-02-25)
- hooks: improve defineHooks signature (ca614e0), closes #94
- migration: ignore prefixing inside migrations (5aebc5b), closes #105
- util: filter .js files before requiring them (a21d6fc), closes #96
3.0.13 (2017-01-26)
- lucid: add incrementing flag (7cad89a), closes #89
- relations: add support for withTimestamps in belongsToMany (41dd327), closes #84
- relations: add support to save pivot values during save/create (774757d)
- relations: filter results based upon relations (80afc1d), closes #92
3.0.12 (2016-12-15)
3.0.11 (2016-12-12)
- db:seed: make sure --files accept value (0edd6cc)
- migrations: add order by clause (0d1b9de)
- migrations: fix migrations log output (758ef01)
- commands: seed db inside run and refresh command (8e367fd)
- model: implement static first and last (2a74d6e)
- pluck: make pluck method to select multiple fields (d8603d1)
- relations: add support for managing pivot table (1d00425), closes #69
3.0.10 (2016-11-02)
- database: paginate count query to ignore order by (ac16baa), closes #64
- lucid:relations: implement delete method to delete relations (0067bca), closes #63
3.0.9 (2016-10-19)
3.0.8 (2016-10-11)
3.0.7 (2016-10-04)
- database: add support for table prefixing (22399a0), closes #58
- migrations: add support for making db actions (073daa7), closes #53
3.0.6 (2016-09-27)
3.0.5 (2016-09-26)
- add support for named exceptions (7e05830)
- lucid: add aggregates on relationship (584de74), closes #48
- lucid:traits: add support for assigning traits (46773d8)
- lucid:hooks: resolve hooks when adding (17588c5)
3.0.4 (2016-08-14)
- lucid: add fresh method to grab fresh instance (4d72794)
- lucid: add static truncate (87f16a2)
- lucid: add support for fill method (fee8e31)
- lucid: add support for findByOrFail (2ec6a52)
- lucid: add support for transactions (59cfa02), closes #43
3.0.3 (2016-08-12)
3.0.2 (2016-07-28)
- commands: close database connection after commands(8087f10)
- migrations: expose knex.schema via this.schema(4b2828e)
- migrations: return migrations class body instead of instance(358aeb6)
- pagination: convert pagination params to safe int(ec7db37)
- postgres: fix postgres behavior testing for bindings(738db0c)
- factory: factory blueprint to accept iteration count and custom values(20d5644)
- lucid: add support for firstOrFail(f06e5c1)
- lucid: add support for pick,pickInverse and paginate(ef29649)
- migrations: add support for --log flag to log queries to console(f0dfdcb)
3.0.1 (2016-06-26)
- migrations: return migrations class body instead of instance(358aeb6)
- commands: fix comamnds after ace upgrade(9d12dc9)
- hooks: replace .bind with .call(fa3ac36)
- lucid: resolve database from IoC container(9ffc658)
- migrations: allow multiple actions inside a single up/down method #29(6437ee3)
- proxies: add harmony-reflect to support old node versions with ES6 proxies(1de6e5d)
- first draft(4eda47c)
- belongsTo: implement belongsTo relationship(12f83b5)
- belongsToMany: implement belongsToMany relationship(c4d8812)
- commands: add basic commands for migrations and seeds(3a9dada)
- commands: add migrations commands(7bdde0e)
- commands: add status command(918768c)
- database: add sql event(234df31)
- factory: add database factory support(dca2fcd)
- factory: make method to return multiple instances(6029f4f)
- hasMany: implement hasMany relationship(0ae7c8f)
- hooks: add restore hooks support(d9329d8)
- lucid: add findOrCreate method(5eaf7cc)
- lucid: add support for paginate via model(0bf4f86)
- lucid: add support for pluckFirst and pluckId(e3c17d8)
- lucid-model: first draft of model implementation(6d4a0ca)
- lucid:model: add createMany method(4f4185c)
- lucid:relations: add createMany and saveMany methods(a6dce67)
- migrations: add status method(ec68f1c)
- migrations,schema: implement schema and migrations(cc3aac4)
- package: integerate semantic-release(0932505)
- relations: implement hasManyThrough relationship(2f7466c)
- relationship: add hasOne relationship(624a7a7)
- seeds: initiate support for seeds and factories(22e8eb2)
- tests: add acceptance tests for model(0e56ed2)
- util: add method to make dynamic scopes name(654cbb1)
- util: add method to pull .js files from a directory(a9dba6a)
- util: isolate lodash instance on collection(90a3ba5)
- removed arrow functions (45f4740)
- model-create: fixed #16, where returning statement is required for postgres (fe04529), closes #16
- schema: Fixed #15 issue to define multiple schema actions (610bb33), closes #15
- Integerated commitizen: package.json (8c048e8)
- relations: Added support for multiple relations using lucid orm. (91d046a)
- removed arrow functions (45f4740)
- model-create: fixed #16, where returning statement is required for postgres (fe04529), closes #16
- schema: Fixed #15 issue to define multiple schema actions (610bb33), closes #15
- Integerated commitizen: package.json (8c048e8)
- relations: Added support for multiple relations using lucid orm. (91d046a)
- Added .gitkeep to storage folder under unit test (1607304)
- Added .gitkeep to storage folder under unit test (1679c23)
- Added a way to get new query chain when previous query chain is pending (a43759c)
- Added belongsTo relation for Lucid models (feaba58)
- Added commands to interact with schema and migrations (5415074)
- Added first basic version of db , requires good amount of refactoring (95b5013)
- Added good level of support (28ac51d)
- Added istanbul as dev dependency (7d8866c)
- Added latest version of node to travis build (ce8bdfb)
- Added load tests till 10,000 requests (4000b8d)
- Added migrations (faa8703)
- Added node latest version to travis file (94b90fd)
- Added peer dependencies to dev dependencies (326e18c)
- Added readme (316a603)
- Added required providers (afc30e0)
- Added standard linting part of npm script (68a1a60)
- Added support for insert/update related models using relationship methods (6ab0ab2)
- Added support for multiple associate as per issue #4 (6aeba8a)
- Added support for nested relations , tested only with hasOne,belongsTo and hasMany (79a7068)
- Added support to run queries on related model (ee148e2)
- Added tests for soft deletes with multiple clauses as closures (4f31aef)
- Added travis and coveralls (7048aed)
- All tests passing after database provider changes (710fbaf)
- Better coverage of relationships now , also work with model instances. ITS A BREEZE (3d5bf8a)
- Closing knex connection after migrations (9e53e00)
- Commands now met their own dependecies (65cb2ad)
- Corrected config namespace inside runner provider (b375698)
- Did clean up ace commands (44af4e3)
- Discouraging underscore methods on query scopes (db965a2)
- Exposed schema and runner classes via providers (3414503)
- Fix typo inside hijaker.all method (0bc5db3)
- Fixed belongsToMany issue #7 (dc0f5fa), closes #7
- Fixed breaking tests after last commit (539d46c)
- Fixed bugs defined in #12 (2ef69f8), closes #12
- Fixed config key (d5b54e1)
- Forcing travis to rebuild gcc (9092a1f)
- Formatted source files (03c51da)
- Formatted source files (6de0248)
- formatted src files (fe1a8e1)
- Formatted src files (b7bf23e)
- hasOne,hasMany,belongsTo,belongsToMany relations implemented (17061e8)
- Implementation tests are passing (83658e1)
- Improved tests for database and migrations command (0e57b3c)
- Made all providers fold 2.0 compatable (978aba1)
- Made changes required by latest version of ace (9092a4e)
- Made database access part of constructor inside static proxy (49538bc)
- Made flags optional and minor formatting update (49aef82)
- Made up to date as master (bf46e3c)
- Merge branch 'release-2.0.1' into develop (b516bf9)
- Merge branch 'release-2.0.2' into develop (f841752)
- Merged clean-up (3499ba3)
- Merged feature schema (d420697)
- Merged feature upgrade (cf21fd8)
- Merged fix-migrations-test-issue (e1a6155)
- Merged improving-tests (1df14a7)
- Merged release 2.0 (3b6dc8a)
- Merged simplify-commands (01676b4)
- Merged swapping-commands-dependencies (b744a64)
- Models with static and instance methods are working (4d5467b)
- Moved migrations dir creation to before ook (b864471)
- not hijacking then method anymore , it causes issues while creating records (9fd225c)
- Now commands are exported objects instead of classes (3500fe8)
- Now find method also mutate values (03fc3eb)
- Now query scopes also accepts parameters (33e1175)
- npm version bumo (56e668c)
- npm version bump (c9535a8)
- npm version bump (389f9c9)
- npm version bump (fc1183b)
- npm version bump (f51b2e8)
- npm version bump (ca02321)
- npm version bump for release (56c38d9)
- npm version bump for release (c584d71)
- Place requires inside providers register method (cfe08b0)
- post test sqlite changes (cb5e55b)
- Providers now returns the actual class instead of instance (de99f99)
- Remove iojs from travis (45ffd77)
- Removed cz changelog and referencing fold from npm (6ae14d2)
- Removed direct depdencies from database (86a4b69)
- removed unwanted test (f39f707)
- Scope methods are working fine (7b39722)
- semi formatted test files (9d3e14f)
- Single rows returns object not array (29fccea)
- Still adding relations support with stable api (aba03f1)
- test changes (d5b00cb)
- Tested model constraints when pulling up relations (315b5d7)
- Updated all tests to create and delete database files (9e4396f)
- Updated config provider namespace (f74383b)
- Updated depdencies , replace fold with adonis-fold (efe3d2e)
- Updated dependencies (dc1ce1e)
- Updated migrations commands output (d5ebb69)
- Updated package name (9f75969)
- Using sqlite directly from npm (704d76d)
- Wohoo over 95% coverage (0baf0cf)
- feat(Integerated commitizen): package.json (8c048e8)
- feat(relations): Added support for multiple relations using lucid orm. (91d046a)
- fix(): removed arrow functions (45f4740)
- fix(schema): Fixed #15 issue to define multiple schema actions (610bb33), closes #15
- refactor(): refactored code for readability (6e526a1)