This package is abandoned 🚨.
See GrumPHP for a maintained alternative.
An extendable framework for version control hooks.
For a composer managed project you can simply run the following ...
$ composer require sjparkinson/static-review
Hooks can then be installed like so ...
$ vendor/bin/static-review.php hook:install vendor/sjparkinson/static-review/hooks/example-pre-commit.php .git/hooks/pre-commit
Otherwise, if you don't use composer ...
$ git clone
$ cd static-review/
$ composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
$ bin/static-review.php hook:install hooks/example-pre-commit.php ~/.../.git/hooks/pre-commit
The hooks can also be used for any project if you install static-review
$ composer g require sjparkinson/static-review
Then, just install the hooks as you would normally but reference the global installation path:
$ static-review.php hook:install ~/.composer/vendor/sjparkinson/static-review/hooks/static-review-commit-msg.php .git/hooks/commit-msg
This assumes you have set up global composer paths.
Static Review can be used for both files and commit message review. Below are basic hooks for each.
#!/usr/bin/env php
include __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php';
// Reference the required classes.
use StaticReview\StaticReview;
use StaticReview\Review\General\LineEndingsReview;
$reporter = new Reporter();
$review = new StaticReview($reporter);
// Add any reviews to the StaticReview instance, supports a fluent interface.
$review->addReview(new LineEndingsReview());
$git = new GitVersionControl();
// Review the staged files.
// Check if any issues were found.
// Exit with a non-zero status to block the commit.
($reporter->hasIssues()) ? exit(1) : exit(0);
#!/usr/bin/env php
include __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php';
// Reference the required classes.
use StaticReview\StaticReview;
use StaticReview\Review\Message\BodyLineLengthReview;
$reporter = new Reporter();
$review = new StaticReview($reporter);
// Add any reviews to the StaticReview instance, supports a fluent interface.
$review->addReview(new BodyLineLengthReview());
$git = new GitVersionControl();
// Review the current commit message.
// The hook is passed the file holding the commit message as the first argument.
// Check if any issues were found.
// Exit with a non-zero status to block the commit.
($reporter->hasIssues()) ? exit(1) : exit(0);
class NoCommitTagReview extends AbstractFileReview
// Review any text based file.
public function canReviewFile(FileInterface $file)
$mime = $file->getMimeType();
// check to see if the mime-type starts with 'text'
return (substr($mime, 0, 4) === 'text');
// Checks if the file contains `NOCOMMIT`.
public function review(ReporterInterface $reporter, ReviewableInterface $file)
$cmd = sprintf('grep --fixed-strings --ignore-case --quiet "NOCOMMIT" %s', $file->getFullPath());
$process = $this->getProcess($cmd);
if ($process->isSuccessful()) {
$message = 'A NOCOMMIT tag was found';
$reporter->error($message, $this, $file);
class WorkInProgressReview extends AbstractMessageReview
// Check if the commit message contains "wip"
public function review(ReporterInterface $reporter, ReviewableInterface $commit)
$fulltext = $commit->getSubject() . PHP_EOL . $commit->getBody();
if (preg_match('/\bwip\b/i', $fulltext)) {
$message = 'Do not commit WIP to shared branches';
$reporter->error($message, $this, $commit);
See and
$ git clone
$ cd static-review/
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /srv
$ composer update
$ composer test
The content of this library is released under the MIT License by Samuel Parkinson.