Slack remind generator
Slack's /reminder
is very hard to use.
- Go 1.16 ~
$ go install
MacbookPro13% slack-reminder
? Kind of remind onetime
? Date(YYYY-MM-DD) 2020-05-13
? Hour(HH:MM) 10:00
? @someone or #channel or me @gorilla
? Message hello, I'm here.
/remind @gorilla "hello, I'm here." at 10:00 on 2020-05-13
MacbookPro13% slack-reminder
? Kind of remind repetition
? What kind of repetition every week
? What day of week choice
? Choice days Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
? Hour(HH:MM) 10:00
? @someone or #channel or me me
? Message some remind
/remind me "some remind" at 10:00 on every Tuesday ,Thursday ,Sunday